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Seokjin's POV:

I closed my eyes many times, in hopes of getting sleep. The problem wasn't the night, however. The real problem was me. My body was telling me to get rid of my pain, so I did. I went to the bathroom and eliminated the erection that had formed inside of me. Namjoon was right, I do end up very tired after making love. Especially with the weakness my body carries within caused by the low blood cell levels in it.

However, tonight, I'm not tired. I feel wide awake and energized. Instead of losing energy, I'm gaining it. And I'm also gaining nausea.

Panicking, I turn myself away from the sink and run over towards the toilet, immediately lifting up the lid.

"Not good. This is not a good sign." I bow my head over the toilet bowl and start to throw up. The thoughts of the food I've previously eaten, the huge amounts I consumed when I first told Namjoon I had become human were spinning around in my head. The putrid smells were roaming all over me even though they weren't physically there. I begin to gag again just by thinking about it.

What did I do to myself? What was I thinking? So much was happening to me right now: I was wiping my lips and I cut myself with my own teeth. Why do I have such a sharp pain in my jaw, and inside of my mouth?

I was throwing up for a while, until my stomach didn't have anything left inside of it, except for hunger and thirst.

This time, I don't desire to eat food. I make my way out of the bathroom after cleaning everything up inside of it, and washing my hands thoroughly, I then headed towards the kitchen, not wanting to cooperate with the messages that my stomach and thoughts were sending to my head.

In the end, I decided to go back to sleep but on the couch. Perhaps all my body needed was rest. "Everything is fine," I kept telling myself. I thought that going to sleep would help my body recover from the lack of sleep I experienced last night.

Because if I'm honest, I didn't get any sleep at all last night. I don't understand why, but I just couldn't sleep at all.

As I rest my body on the couch, my head started rotating. My vision suddenly got blurred and the next thing I knew, I passed out.


«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now