Jack Frost Is NOT Amused

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      Author's Note: This is the next chapter edited by crossoverLIFE19. Please enjoy and comment on this revision.

     As the tires roll away, the gravel crunching under the pressure, I keep my sights set on my dad. I ignore everyone cheering us on as we leave our home - celebrating the day my family is being ripped away from me. My hold tightens on my staff - the wood creaking under the pressure. My dad's smile is small, and as the car moves away it becomes nearly invisible. Why is this happening - the one VK who doesn't want to go is being dragged off to their dumb kingdom. A growl rips from my throat, a glare settling on the leather seats as Dad's figure finally grows too small.

      A sudden stab in my side stops my thoughts, my head shooting up to see who poked at me, when Dizzy screams, "Wow! Jack, you need to try this!" She shoves something in my face - an oddly, brightly colored worm. 

      Disgust fills me immediately, and I throw the worm away from me with a grimace. 

      "Worms!? You want me to eat worms!?" I accuse, glaring at the stupid thing. I know Auradon is sick - but I didn't think they would feed us worms for a snack! 

     "Jack!" Ben laughs, grabbing my attention. "It's okay, they're not real worms. They're candy." 

     I stare at him for a while, occasionally glancing at everyone else. None of them show obvious malice towards me and almost all of them are sending me smiles. Sighing, I slowly release the tension from my shoulders and hesitantly grab the worm.I grimace, staring at it for a moment longer, before squeezing my eyes closed and dropping it in my mouth. As soon as it hits my tongue, my eyes snap open wide as saucers. My tongue tingles with splashes of sugar and it sticks between my teeth as I chew. I can't find it in myself to be bothered by that, however, as I reach to shovel more into my mouth. I roll my eyes as everyone laughs, grabbing handfuls before moving back to my spot - watching the Smee twins do the same. My eyes travel through the car as I finish the final worm, holding back a laugh as I watch Ben fall to Ceilia's fortune-telling tricks. 

     "Hey, Jack," Carlos taps my arm, guiding my attention to him. I instinctively pull away, ignoring the way Carlos flinches back and his smile grows forced. Still, he holds up a little brown circle in his hand so I can see it and says, "Try this." When I don't reach for it right away, he leans forward once more and says, "It's salty like nuts but sweet like-" 

     "You don't know what!" Jay finishes for him. They laugh together,fist-bumping and joking around. I ignore the offered treat and get my own, quickly biting down on it. Another wave of sweets hits my taste buds faster than worms could.Sweet and salty married in this circle - the thought makes me laugh as I shove the rest of the treat in my mouth. I lick my fingers and get another. 

      When I pop my head back up, my sight catches a glimpse into the front of the car. Just ahead of us, where the car drives at a luxurious pace, is the end of our bridge. The rim's jagged edge sends quick panic to my heart and I don't hold back my scream. 

      "Stop the car!" I holler, accidentally prodding Jay in the stomach with my staff. 

      "We're going to crash!" Celia shrieks. 

        My gut wrenches when I realize none of them are listening - simply smiling back at us as we grow closer to the rushing waters. As the crashing waves grow louder my fear spreads through me like an inky hand wrapping around my sputtering heart. Dread overcomes me and I allow my stiff limbs to curl into themselves - ignoring the victims hit with my staff. My eyes clench shut and I hold my arms above my head,hoping beyond all hope that it's enough to save me. I have a life to get back to - a family counting on me. Just as flashes of my life begin to fade into distant memories, another flash intrudes. A golden hue stings through the darkness in my mind and beckons my eyes to open once more. Reluctantly - I shed away from my little piece of safety to find the source. All around us, a golden light sprinkles from thin air -surrounding us and spinning in mesmerizing swirls. Leaning forward, I touch the glass and allow the curious wonder inside my childish soul to resurface, moving me to gaze upon the golden bridge we pass over. 

       Sudden laughter pulls me away, and a grimace worms its way on my lips as I gaze back at the VKs. 

       "We were scared the first time we crossed too," Carlos reassures, patting Squeaky and Squirmy's heads. The twins share a shaky smile, before moving to gaze out the windows like I once was. 

      My eyes roll to the side, and I sneak my hand to retrieve one more sweet before my focus shifts. Auradon lies ahead, I remind myself. The idea bounces through my memories - everything I've lost through such a short time. No matter what I do, I can't find the part in me that believes this will be good for me - for anyone, truly. However, a new energy pumps through my veins, capturing my attention. I glance upon the palm of my hand, where little circles of sweet, melting chocolate lay. Though, I notice how they lay as perfect as they remain in the cold bowls. Glancing at the twins, I know this isn't normal - the little circles melting and dying their palms with sticky sugar. Looking back at my gathered sweets, a smirk crawls its way to be hardly visible to the others. Gradually, I allow my instincts their control. My pale fingers close in on my palm, slow and steady as the ball of frozen wind expands in my gut. By the time the sweets are in view once more, they lay ice solid and decorated with magnificent snowflakes. A crooked grin meets my squinted eyes. 

      Tearing my eyes away, I throw the sweets in my mouth and relish as the ice quickly melts away. I can hear trumpets blaring and the beating of drums from the car. Gazing at the window, I almost scoff at the glorified garden guiding us to the castle. A blue sign obscured my vision, bold print announcing our location to be Auradon Prep; 'Goodness doesn't get any better!'. Another scoff rips through my throat at the repetitivepropaganda. The closer the car got to the front of the gate the more people I could see milling about, waving colorful signs for a greeting. 

      Even as my eyes roll to the back of my skull, I can see Dizzy bouncing in the leathery seats. Squeaky and Squirmy are craning their necks to see better, pushing over each other as they try to share the same, tiny window. Celia is clapping her hands with a hardly concealed squeal. Naive little children are what they are. A scowl reaches my lips, but my legs move to my chest and I curl around them with a strong grasp on my staff. However, the action reminds of one more discomfort. Instead of a smooth lift and slide, the leather of my boots scraped against the seats. The sound quickly catches the others'attention, and their gazes make me curl into myself even more. Reaching forward, I quickly rip the boots off of my feet and shove them in my bag, glaring at the constricting things while flexing my toes. I am not going through so much at once - the shoes have to go. After I readjust myself, I move to curl my fingers around the staff, watching white frost quickly dance around the twisting pine. 

        Auradon may be powerful - but I'm raised by a general who fights through thick and thin for his family. I won't let you down, Dad.

Author's Note: Hey everyone! Yes! The next chapter's finally here! At long last. Sorry for the wait. You all really should thank RavenDragon643 for reminding me about everyone waiting for this chapter. Please check out her new book, Swapped another Disney/Dreamworks crossover. Also please check out my newest Disney/Dreamworks crosssover too: Anti-Hero: The Villain You Root For. Please comment, vote, and share this chapter. Thank you! 🤗🤗🤗

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