Weird Dream

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I don't know if it's a trigger, but i mention people being killed. Not eplicit, just mentioned that they die.

"Richie! Richie! You won't believe what dream i had! "  Eddie said extremely happy when Richie woke up

"Mhhh. What Eddie?" Richie said still half asleep

"So i was in 9th grade. You and Beverly were in 10th. Bev knew i liked you so she would often pushed me to talk to you."

"Eddie, can you get to the point?"  Richie said annoyed

"Wait, in a minute. So, we two were in detention, i don't remember why, and we started talking and then you invited me to dinner. We were at McDonald's and you went to the bathroom. Then you didn't come back. I waited like an idiot and then decided to call you, but you forgot your phone on the table. And Boom! WE ARE ON A CRUISE SHIP! "

" Eds, please talk quieter, i just woke up. " Richie said, rubbing his eyes.

" Sorry. So i don't remember a part. Something like a house or you don't have a house. I don't know. Anyway. We were in the cafeteria on the cruise . It was empty except for an old couple and some armed men. They give you a gun and they leave to kill the bad men. The bad men come and kill the old lady, but the old man kills them. Suddenly, you and i were ambushed. We were surrounded by the bad bitches. Then, Iron Man came.... "

" Wait, wait, wait, Why? How did you come up with this dream? "

" My subconscious did, not me. Now stop intrerupting me. You can ask at the end and other questions. So, Iron man came and he took off his mask. He had sparkling red eyes, but his face was blurry. He started shooting from his hands and the bad men were dying. Then we were left alone. You kissed me and then out of nowhere, Stan comes and jumps in my arms. The end. "

" Well, that was a fucking adventure!" Richue chuckled
"But what happened to my gun?"

"You tried shooting the bad men but there wasn't any ammo."

"Ok... And how did Iron Man get in?"

"He busted through the window"

"Who were the old couple though?"

"I don't know honestly, but i feel like it was an older version of Bev and Ben"

"How long have you been waiting to tell me about this dream?"

"What time is it?" Eddie glances at the clock on his desk

"Well i woke up at 4 am and now it's 10 am so..."

" And why didn't you go back to sleep?"

"I didn't want to forget it. Look, i even wrote it on a piece of paper." He hands Richie a sheet with a few lines written on it. He reads the text and then looks up at Eddie

"There are other characters in this. Who is Jungkook? Who is Yeontan?"

"Don't be jealous Chee. You don't know them"

"Well i sure want to meet them now. I want to see why you fantasize over them and not me!"

"No can do, sorry. I don't even know them."

"Then how are they winning! I should be the only one you think about kissing."

"It's just a celebrity crush Rich! Jeez! Don't make me remind you of that time you said you were in love with Daisy Ridley and said that you would dump me anytime for her."

"Damn Eds! You play dirty! And i'm sorry! How many times do i have to apologise?"

"Not anymore, we are even"

Richie huffed and Eddie winked at him. They cuddled back together and fell back asleep.

My best friens told me her dream and asked me to wfite it, so here you go NamJesusGotJams. Hope you're happy now.

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