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((A/N really quick Authors Note before we begin! Obviously, I'm terrible at spelling. I make lots of errors and I know there is probably a ton in this chapter by itself, but please just cut me some slack. A lot of yall might not care but I'm pretty sure I have some type of ADHD, and I definitely have high Anxiety and Depression, so please, cut me some slack. I apologize that the chapters haven't been coming out on schedule, and I promise everyone that I am trying my hardest to make them longer and get them out on time! Thank you for reading this not-so-quick Authors Note, and back on with the story!))

<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
[Demon Speech]
《Dragon Tounge》

   After laughing at Ollivander while eating at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Hadrian and the others headed back to Madam Malkin's to pick up and pay for the Robes.

"Hey Hade, what are you going to do at the Orphanage for a month?"

Hadrian thought about it, and honestly wasn't quiet sure about that himself.

Not sure. Maybe I'll catch up on the Hogwarts first year books, or I'll plan out what to do with Quirrel.

Draco nodded, and continued to walk down Diagon Alley with Hadrian before he had to go back.

"I was actually surprised to see Severus with you earlier today! I would have bet that he'd be dead after what he did, not that I want my godfather dead mind you."

Severus seemed to hear this and perked over towards the two boys walking ahead of them.

"What? Why on earth would I be dead?"

Draco shrugged.

"Don't know, Hadrian has his ways to get rid of his enemies."

Hadrian rolled his eyes and Draco laughed at the pale face Snape made.

Oh relax Sev, I was actually quite surprised myself at how kind you were towards me. Last time, you bombarded me with questions no one in Third year would have known, then continued to insult me and my name.

Snape looked at the boy, surprised being the only word you could use to describe the man's face at the moment.

"Well, that was the plan should you end up in Gryffindor and look exactly like your father, as Albus told us you would."

Hadrian scoffed.

"But, I know see how big of a mistake that would have been. Both assuming you'd be like your father and trusting the words of Dumbledore."

Hadrian waved off the apology, writing

It's fine. That's why I came back, to rewrite any wrongs Albus has told, both about me and others.

Snape nodded and fell back into step beside Lucius and Narcissa.

"He is going to help us, Severus. He has already made plans to bring him back, and his friendship with Draco has influenced him in great ways. You can trust him."

Severus looked into his friends eyes, attempting to see if they were under any spell or curse to get his hopes up. But, seeing only loyalty and hope.. Severus nodded.

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