The meeting

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Malcolm POV
I regret everything. I'm gonna meet a girl I met like two days ago and am in love with her. I mean I don't know if love is the right word. No love is the right word. But the point is I'm scared. What is she doesn't forgive me. What if she stands me up. I'm mean I kinda deserve it. But she needs to her why I did it. How are you gonna do that if you don't even know why you did it? UGH OH MY GOD WTF IS WRONG WITH ME! She's actually driving me insane! If I wasn't so stupid and listened to Finn I wouldn't be in this situation. Regretting everything. Going with jack on the date, taking Finn to mine, and seeing her talking to that guy... that guy. She was talking to a guy. She had her whole attention on him. I just...

Your POV
I'm just chilling. I'm ready for the meet up with Malcolm. I decided not to dress nice because I don't need to impress anyone but I made sure I didn't look like a mole rat on crack. I'm just waiting for seven to roll around. I'm leg is jumping up and down when Shelbie comes in the room. "Why are you so nervous. You guys are making a big deal about this." "I KNOW! It's just...I feel like I need to be with him but he stood me up!" "That made no sense." Right after shelbie said that my phone vibrated. It was 8:45. Well it's now or never. I'd prefer never but I can't stop myself now can I. God why am i so stubborn!
Sorry for the short chapter I literally don't know where this story is going. Dm ideas ig😅 Im open to suggestions.
Also should I start a imagines book? If anyone cares...

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