Part 1

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The mist weaved aimlessly around the huts. The quiet was so apparent that all they heard was the trotting of the horses. Peaking out the window, Devlin saw the thickness of the clouds. Approaching the center of the village he saw two figures. Closing the window, he tapped Eon lightly.

"Wake up," he said and knocked on the window for the driver to stop. The carriage came to a holt and Eon jittered up.

"Has the rain stopped?" he asked while rubbing his eyes and Devlin murmured a yes. Opening the door Eon stepped out and fell forward.

Devlin watched his friend pick himself up. Slowly he guided his feet down and closed the carriage behind them. Tipping his head to the driver he wondered how the man was able to see through this very thick mist. Once Eon was done dusting himself off, they made their way to the two figures. Kali and Busara greeted them with a nod when they came before them.

"Welcome," said Busara and Eon gulped. The woman terrified him but he bowed anyway. Devlin reached out a hand and Kali took it.

"It's good to see you are well Devlin. Pity that we meet again under such circumstances," smiled Busara and the brown haired man nodded.

"I know but this is where things have been led," he said and Busara nodded as she led them to Minova's hut.

"Indeed it has," she whispered. Eon hadn't said a word while Kali kept eye on his sister.

"How were your travels?" she peered back at Eon. Jumping slightly he coughed.

"It went well. Over the four days three of them fizzled with rain. It certainly made the journey feel longer," he answered and Kali smirked.

"Most likely a sign," he said and Eon looked at Kali with a frown.

"Of what?" asked Eon.

"Of changing seasons," said Kali with a glint in his eyes. Looking down Eon tried not to read to much into what he said. When they reached Minova's hut, he was shocked to see a whole swarm of people around it.

"What is this?" he asked.

"Two of our children are being taken away. We all wanted to grieve together," said Kali and Eon didn't like the words he used.

"They will be coming back for frequent visits," he said softly as they passed a few women who were crying and the men standing next them were staring daggers into Eon.

"They are our kin, their departure hurts us," said Kali and Devlin nudged Eon to stop him from responding. The crowd opened up for them, and Eon was certain the entire village was here. Minova's whole family were at the entrance of the hut.

"Please wait here while we fetch the children," Busara spoke to Kali and Eon. Devlin gave his friend a calming look so Eon didn't question it. They watched as the two disappeared into the hut.

"Chae, honey come here," whispered Minova. Jimin had been crying in her arms the entire morning but his sister hadn't shed a tear. It worried her that her daughter had been so quiet. Slowly Chaeyoung made her way to her mom and joined her brother in her arms.

"Mommy loves you so much Jimin, and we'll see each other very soon again," she kissed her son's temple. Jimin nodded into his mom hiding his sniffles.

"Chae," she turned to her daughter who perked at the sound of her mother's voice. Chaeyoung was now gripping tightly onto her mother's shirt and the sight of it along with Jimin's cries were breaking Minova's heart. Her tears began to fall as well. Hearing her mothers whimpers Chae lifted her hands up and felt the wetness on her mother's face. Lips quivering Chae began to cry too.

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