I told you so

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*Rylan has created a group chat*

*Rylan has added everyone*

*Everyone Has logged on*

Rylan - What is up my dudes????

Madylen - The sky.

Rylan - Knew you were gonna say that.

Wade - That's because-

Rylan - Wade! No!

Wade - You're no fun.

Rylan - Excuse you I'm am fun. Who d'ya think gives the pranksters their idea?!

Nat - So Uh, why are we here?

Rylan - Couples. Proof of. And a few 'I told you so' (s)

Stephen - Oh dear God.

Madylen - I don't wanna be part of this.

Peter - I'm just gonna go.

Rylan - Okay, just because you like MJ that doesn't mean that's who I ship you with Okay? Sorry Peter but it's just the way my mind works.

Rocket - Dark and twisted?

Rylan - Correct.

Y/n - Oh dear God I know where this is going.

Rylan - Oh sister of mine. You get the private talk just cuz I'm that nice.

Y/n - Gee thanks.

Rylan - You're welcome!

Madylen - Hehehe I'm out.

*Madylen Has logged off*

*Madylen Has logged on*

Madylen - I hate you.

Rylan - No you don't.

Nat - I'm so confused.

Rylan - As my sister has said previously, Brutasha is a thing, it's adorable.

Bruce - Seriously?

Rylan - Seriously.

Y/n - I can hear the eye-roll.

Steve - How can you hear an eyeroll?

Rylan - It's Sarcasm. Also still really happy about the fact that Stucky is a thing.

Bucky - Hehehe.

Rylan - Yeah, and I know something about four people, who will be left in the chat.

Wade - Wait hold on, what?

Y/n - She's gonna start kicking people out the chat.

Rylan - Correct.

Tony - Wait so who's getting kicked out the chat?

Rylan - Nearly everyone.

Pietro - So, who's gonna be IN the chat?

Rylan - You'll see.

Y/n - Frick.

Madylen - Wait, hold on, back up, pause.

*Rylan has kicked out everyone apart from; Y/n, Tony, Pietro and Madylen*

Rylan - Hello and welcome to a little thing I like to call my day job.

Pietro - What?

Tony - I thought being an Avenger was your day job?

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