Capter 4: Invader

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As I was walking back I hear a mechanical whiring followed by screaming. Excited, I ran back to the entrance of the cave. The adrenaline, it was enough to make any one crazy. I've never got to see my traps go of in action, just heard about who they caught after the search party's made there rounds. I Burst around the corner and to find a child in a bear trap. I seize up for a moment as I see the small human struggle with its leg oozing blood. As I stare at the human I start to feel bad. Looking around, I only see the human child and no more, he must of came here alone. The child doesn't notice me for it's in to much pain. I take another glance around and approach the human.
            The human finally notices me after I'm standing 2 feet away from him. His fear in his eyes represent his emotions to me and I can't let him stay there. I reach into my bag and grab a tool, I hold out my hand and try to calm him down. The child struggles more. Eventually after 3 minutes he gets tired of struggling and I reach toward the bear trap. The child closes his eyes, I pry the bear trap open and release him. He opens his eyes in disbelief, stunned, that a kobold just let him go. " go, leave" I say, but I don't think he understands me. He walks away anyway, limping out of the cave. I feel relieved and I head back to town, to sleep my worries away.

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