Chapter 4

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I was going to be late for the first Report. And it was all because of these stupid, ridiculous high heels. I regretted teasing Erika for her many mishaps; these heels truly were a torture machine designed to ruin everything.

"Ouch!" I squeaked in pain as one of Jessa's pins stabbed my leg.

"Sorry, Lady Liana!" Jessa winced and paused her frantic needlework. "I'm almost done."

I glanced down to see her handiwork, noticing that the once gaping hole was covered by folds of light pink fabric. My heel had ripped right through the lightweight material when I'd tripped on my way to leave. Thank goodness for my maids' skills, otherwise I would be showing up to the Report naked. If I still made it at all.

"Just. One. More. Stitch...done!" Jessa exclaimed before standing up and waving to the door. "Now go! And hold up your skirt!"

Heeding her advice, I picked up the fabric and burst into the hall. Within moments, I was weezing, the tight bodice constricting my air flow. I couldn't remember the last time I'd run anywhere, much less in heels. Various maids and guards stopped and stared as I ran past, but my only focus was remembering the route to the room where the Report was filmed.

With only a second to spare, I burst inside and scanned the room for an empty seat before the Royal family could see me. Breathing a sigh of relief, I spied an empty seat beside and Erika and sat down with a huff.

"Sorry. I'm. Late," I wheezed between breathes. "Wardrobe malfunction. I accidentally tore my dress."

Erika raised an eyebrow. "How on earth did you do that?"

I frowned before grumbling. "I tripped."

Erika grinned. "Ha! I'm not the only one who can't walk in these heels!"

"Fine, fine, they're a pain sometimes. Why does something so pretty have to be so painful?" I groaned.

Erika giggled. "I honestly have no idea. But you look gorgeous."

"Thanks. You do too," I smiled, nodding to her beautiful royal blue dress. She really did look like royalty in that color.

I could see Prince Derek eyeing us all from his seat. His gaze caught on Erika's just slightly and a small smile crossed his face. He'd taken my advice and asked Erika on a date; she'd accidentally slipped and revealed it at breakfast the day after. I could see the excitement in her eyes when she spoke of him so I couldn't help but root for her. For the two of them.


"Thank you for agreeing to have lunch with me," Derek smiled as he politely led us into a small balcony on the third floor. A table covered in white cloth had been set up with two chairs. A wheeled tray held covered plates that I couldn't wait to uncover.

"Who am I to say no to free food?" I joked and sat across from him.

"I figured as much. I remembered seeing that your family owns a restaurant in Allens?" Derek placed a bowl of steaming pasta in front of each of us.

I bit my lip, considering my words carefully. I wasn't sure if I should tell him of my strained relationship with my family. At the same time, though, I couldn't think of a reason not to.

"My parents do own a restaurant, yes. My siblings and I help wait tables," I shrugged and began to eat, managing to contain myself as the flavors and textures combined in my mouth. I could name each and every ingredient that had come together to make it. Fresh pasta. Basil, pesto, tomato. Fresh grated parmesan. Sliced almonds.

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