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(this chapter is the file caroline is reading)


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Project File

subject : 004

sex - female

date of birth - january 29, 1971
location of birth - north carolina

abilities - controlling of water, wind, and fire; clairvoyance; teleportation; superhuman hearing

weaknesses - extremely selfless; prone to nosebleeds; insomnia

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004 is...

"004 is our most thought about experiment" says dr. martin brenner. here are just a few of his thorough notes about this young and powerful girl.

what is she?
004 is a traveler. a traveler is a supernatural being who can act as a pathway for other's supernatural powers.

• in a general example, let's say our experiment 011 who has telekinesis needs more strength. if 004 and 011 link arms or hold hands, 011's power can travel through 004, giving 004 the capability to have telekinesis for the amount of time 011 allows it. once 011 breaks the pathway, 004 looses the telekinesis ability, but she remains a traveler. 

• in the current moment, 004 does not know of this power. i fear it would be too intense and difficult for her to control. it could easily get out of hand.

what are her powers?
004's powers are clairvoyance, the ability to control the elements, teleportation, and super human hearing.

• clairvoyance is the ability to see the unknown. this is specifically dangerous because she can very easily go into someone's mind without any complications. for example, our other subjects use the void. most must be blindfolded and have static sounds around them to see someone or something through the void. 004 can just place her hand on the person and view their thoughts, see their past, and more. 004 can also touch an image of the unknown and see it in her mind, although she does not know she is capable to do such a thing.

• now controlling elements, such as wind, fire, and water is self explanatory. although, if she uses her wind power with enough strength, it can act like a telekinesis ability. let's say she tried to flip a car, if her strength was high enough, she could do it with her mind through wind. if her strength is low, she would not be capable of the action.

• her teleportation ability is also self explanatory, she can touch an object, photo, or anything else that belonged to the person she wants to teleport to. but once she teleports, the object she used to find said person, will just go back to where it was when she found it. it'll look like she wasn't even there, a very sneaky power she's acquired. to teleport to a location, she doesn't need an object, all she needs is to think of the destination. to locate a person, she needs to know enough about them and the person must be aware of her abilities.

• her super human hearing, we believe, was acquired in the moment of her parents death. she can hear anything up to many miles away. we're unsure of the specifics in the current moment. she must focus, which we find to be difficult for her, but she is learning. she's learning fast.

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her parents and past
disclaimer - these notes are not in dr. martin brenner's words

what happened to them?
• 004's parents were murdered

how and why?
when dr martin brenner, discovered 004's power, he supposedly begged her parents to let him take her when they lived in north carolina. her parents, obviously, fought back and her dad attempted to pull a gun on martin and his guards. 

• the next night around 3:00am, brenner got his guards together and had them go to 004's home and take the girl, whether a fight occurred or not. dr martin brenner ordered his guards to control the situation and do whatever was necessary. he vowed to remove 004 of her home, despite any death which may have come along with it. some beat up her father while her mother was held captive by the remaining guards. supposedly, dr brenner then grabbed her father's gun and shot her mother in the head. there were 3 gunshots that night, 2 on her father, 1 on her mother. the actions were done around 3:20am.

how has nobody discovered the full story?
dr brenner explained that he has a way with words, and payed everyone who knew of the events in cash and told them to never mention the incident again. her parents were never said to be dead. there is still a missing persons case to this day. this event took place in 1971.

who were her parents?
• her parents were andrew and amanda granger

• they were 26 years of age when their daughter was born, nicole granger

• andrew was 27 and amanda was 26 the night they were murdered, nicole was 8 months old

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