2. Tangled Cords

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|| People bring out different sides of you,
You should always keep the ones who bring out the light||


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Murthy Mansion

The time right after the sunrise welcomes freshness. People wake up with fresh mind and fresh spirit to counter the rest of the day. Similarly, the sun peaked into the beige and white room, in a bid to wake up the tired soul. Out here, things were a bit different. Someone's eyes had not even seen sleep the whole night, not even far away. The dark circles underneath her eyes were a proof that this was not one of the firsts.

Nandini Murthy, laid on her bed, with restlessness peaking with evey tick of the clock. After many years, there was a person whose voice, whose eyes, whose touch had disturbed her whole system. More than that, what was making her restless was how she had responded to it. Though she had come to a conclusion where it was decided that this mishap is to be termed as a momentary short circuit and she was sure that she won't be meeting him ever after that night, yet it was haunting her.

After spending years in making herself hard as stone, with no humanely feelings and emotions left in her, suddenly getting so overwhelmed was a major source of worry. She heaved a sigh as she placed her head in the mesh of her hands, massaging her temples a little for the headache that had grown leaps and bound. "Hari! Coffee", she ordered through the intercom. There was still some time left before she leaves for the office which meant she has the liberty of have a long relaxing bath today.

Around an hour and a relaxing shower later, Nandini stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her monochrome dress. Her freshly washed and blow dried hair were tied in a neat bun. This was the only hairstyle that she sports. The volume of her bun, were evident of her waist length hair which the world has never seen.

There came a knock on her door

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

There came a knock on her door. "Come in", she ordered. An amusing smile came over her face when she saw Aryaman walking in with a tray, carrying two cups. One had a strong black sugar free coffee while one was normal coffee. "Arya? Why did you come with the coffee? Hari se keh dete (you should have sent Hari)", Aryaman passed her a smile as he settled down on the sofa placed in her room near the window.

"Why? Can't I come to meet my sister?", Aryaman questioned taking a sip from his normal coffee which according to Nandini was the sweetest she has ever tasted.

She left what she was doing and took the sofa adjacent to him with her coffee in her hand, shaking her head at his dramatic attitude. As she tasted a sip, she groaned. Her head spun due to the headache, and the bitter coffee was almost like an instant relief. "Extra bitter coffee!?Did not sleep last right?", Aryaman grinned while asking.

ANAM CARA || A MaNan Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें