Someone harrasses you for being a teen mother/father

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Congratulations you are now a mother


You and Deku were just hanging out in the park with you baby Mizuku Who was 4 at the time. You saw other people staring at you but you took no notice. I mean it's not everyday you see 2 high schooler with a little baby that is clearly their child or just so happens to look like them.

You saw a woman walk towards you, you just guessed that she was heading to the ice cream truck that was close to you but then she stopped next to you and slapped you and Deku.

Now hurting you was one thing but nobody hurts your Deku

"What the fuck woman?!?"

"Is that your child?"

"Why should I tell someone that just slapped me and my boyfriend!?!"

"Answer it!"

She sounded so spoilt like a entitled mum or a spoiled brat

"Yes that is my child what's it to you?!?"

"You should be ashamed of yourselves! Your high schoolers"

"And your a bitch that sounds like there head got dropped as a kid, you don't see us complaining"

The woman got mad and walked of after her Husband pulled her back and apologised for his wife's actions.

You quickly rushed to Deku to see if they were okay, thankfully they were.


You, Bakugou and your child Natsuki went to parents meeting (where you talk about how to be a parent) you and Bakugou were still in high school (no shit Sherlock how else would we be a teen mother/father) so you hoped it would be a good idea.

Loads of parents were staring at you two tho, Bakugou was about to raise his fist as this guy who was giving you two disgusted looks but you quickly stopped

Basically like that but replace music with dirty looks

Parents meeting was pretty good, you three were about to go out of the building but then someone grabbed your shoulder which was a bit painful. You whimpered in pain and as a reaction Bakugou turned to you as started to have sparks in his hands

"Hey are you two the parents of that THING!"

The man pointed at your child that you were carrying. Bakugou didn't like how this random stranger called his baby a thing

"Yes that is my child and don't call them a thing"

The man scoffed. He was really starting to piss you off

"How old are you two? You look about 16"

You took a breather to calm down

"We are 16"

The man scoffed again but with a angry look

"You should be ashamed of yourself. Having a child at 16!"

Bakugou got really pissed of so he dragged the man out of the building (since a warning sign said no violence) and then all you heard was a explosion and some car sirens. Bakugou went back to you and kissed your child's forehead and kissed you lips.

"Let's go home, away from they extra"

You giggled a bit and agreed


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