Chapter 3

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As soon as we got on the train, Olivia was identifying EVERY person on the train. "Woman, get a hold of yourself!" I told her. She looked at me, narrowed her eyes, and said, very slowly, "Would you like to end up like Jovan, too?" She stated threateningly. Jovan put his arms up in a X motion and shook his head vigorously. "Ummm....Yes?"

As we all walked down the isle on the Hogwarts express, we all sat down in an empty compartment, except for Jovan. "Liv, I'm going to go sit with my friends, Okay?" He said quickly. She narrowed her eyes and glared daggers at him before simply closing her eyes and saying, "Bye!" in a bitchy voice. Jovan just rolled his eyes and left. "What use of a brothers is he if he isn't even going to show us around?!" Olivia shouted. "Womanshutchumouthbeforeishutitforyou!" I said in a low voice. I looked around the compartment we were in. It seemed a bit larger than the other ones, but yet again, some were bigger than others. "Excuse me, but MY friends and I were going to sit there, so move." A voice said, quite rudely.

I swiveled my head to look at the person who RUDELY interrupted my conversation. Surprise surprise, Draco Malfoy stood there, with Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. "Does it look like I give a damn if you were going to sit here or not?" I said, pointing to my face. He widened his eyes. "I'm pretty sure there's enough room for all of us in this compartment, anyways," she said smoothly. They all took the seats across from us, with another seat available for one more person next to Blaise. "You NEVER let me have my fun!" I scolded Olivia. She merely shrugged and went back to studying every detail of the compartment.

"Hello, would you be so kind to let us sit here with you?" Another voice asked. I turned my head and saw Hermione Granger dragging Ron and Harry behind her. "Sure!" Olivia smiled innocently at her. "Oh thank Merlin," she breathed, sitting next to Blaise and practically throwing Ron and Harry into the seats next to us. I'm gonna make sure I don't get on Hermione's bad side, I promised myself inside of my head. "Hello," Hermione started to speak. "Im-"

"We already know who every single one of you are," I stated clearly. Every person, except Olivia, widened their eyes. "But how?" Harry asked, clearly confused. "There's practically Harry's WHOLE life in 7 very long books," Olivia pointed out. Draco just simply crossed his arms and sneered at Harry. Pansy giggled at that.

"Seriously, Draco, has ANYONE taught you ANY manners?" I said irritatedly. Draco looked at me, practically killing me with a stare. Then Harry, Ron, Pansy, and Blaise all broke out in a fit of laughter. "Has anyone taught you to respect a Malfoy?" He spat back. "I can respect who I want to, I won't take orders from anyone who's acting like a toddler with his arms crossed," I retorted.

That just made the laughter louder. Draco sat back in his chair, looking impressed at what I've just said. After his fit of laughter was over, Blaise sat up in his chair, wiping his eyes. "Merlin, she just destroyed you, Draco," he said, an edge of laughter in his voice.

AN: Just a disclaimer: I don't own the cover art, and neither do I own the Wizarding world of Harry Potter. If you have suggestions for the next chapter or opinions or memes, leave them in the comments. Bye, my fingers are cramping now.

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