29~ Strange... I Imagine It All

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Dedicated to nonameleftxxx,
Thanks for being all through.
| words used : 425|

Strange... I Imagine It All

There she is,

A little girl sat in the corner of my mind,

Oh I imagined her,

As a part of my mind,

One which whispers when
situations go wry,

One which remains true
no matter the fright,

One which has been there at all times,

One who knew all my references right,

I suppose she is the voice,

Who brought me out of my misery,

She is the voice,

Who fought with me to every victory,

There she is,

As if she felt me encourage her presence,

Waving in my head,

Oh I imagined her,

In the deep part of my skull,

So whenever I worry,

I know things will pave way,

She is like the transition,

Between me and my Lord,

She is the mediator,

When my mind is all jumbled,

When I feel so frustrated,

I hear this voice,

Telling me its alright,

That if we fight,

For victory with all our might,

Things will become a clearer sight.

Never give up..

Be strong...

The best is yet to come..

Oh and keep smiling,

Are the many encouraging words,

Spoken for my behalf,

Oh I imagined her,

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