SHIELD, Tattoos, Avengers, and Camp 2

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 I woke up to a yelp, and my alarm going off, making me groan before I reached over and turned it off, to see M almost falling out of my bed. I carefully pulled her back and she groaned.

"Hot shower, coming right up." I said around a yawn.

"Ugh! Why in Hades does there have to be a board meeting so early in the morning?" M said as he rubbed her face.

"You're asking the wrong person here, M." I said and she stuck out her tounge, and I raised an eyebrow at it, making her blush. I chuckled before I leaned down and lightly pecked her lips.

"I'll go get the shower started," i said and she nodded and I felt her eyes watching as I walked to the bathroom. Half an hour later, M pulled a hair dryer out of her bag, and I raised an eyebrow.


"How?" I asked and she laughed.

"Grandma Aphrodite, gave me this and I can fit whatever I want inside of it. Food, clothes, makeup, hair dryers."

"So it's magic."


"Awesome. Well, I'm going to get breakfast started. Anything you want in particular, because if not I'm just going to make pancakes." I said.

"Pancakes sounds fantastic right now." She said and I smirked as her stomach grumbled making her blush, and push me out of the bathroom, making me laugh. I quickly leaned in and pecked her lips before moving at of the way of her throwing a towel at me, making me laugh.

I was mixing the batter, when there was a knock on the door, making me frown but walk over. I looked out the peep hole only to see dad. I opened the door and dad raised an eyebrow at me.

"Were you attacked by the rabid Princess?" He asked.

"I'd rather see the inside of a Hellhound then to ever let her touch me like that." I said with a scowl making dad just shake his head.

"I'm afraid I can't stay for breakfast, but here's your book. I will be back to meet your girl." Dad said as he handed me the book that held my trigger words, and I blushed making dad laugh some.

"Treat her well, otherwise I'll have to find you a shroud to be burned."

"I don't plan on mistreating her dad." I said.

"You better not." he said before he looked at me with a straight face.

"I don't know what, but I fear something big is coming."

"Avengers, SHIELD or my new life side?" I asked.

"I fear it's all three. You better get to training with your new weapons, soon."

"Yes sir. Thank you, Dad." I said.

"Try and stay out of trouble and keep your girl happy."

"I'll try to stay out of trouble but I make no promises and I will." I said and he nodded before he walked away. I shut the door and put my book away, before I went back to making breakfast.

Once at work, Pepper looked at M and I then give us a knowing smirk, making us both blush, while she laughed.

"Hurt her and I'll kill you after ruining your life," Pepper said with a smile and I swallowed heavily.

"I don't plan on hurting her." I got out.

"Good," Pepper said and then looked at her watch.

"We'll be in the meeting until lunch and I told Natasha she could have you until then." Pepper said and I nodded before I walked away hearing Pepper and M talk about the meeting. I scanned my badges and JARVIS took me to Nat's floor, where Nat immediatly looked me up and down.

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