Chapter 4- Coma?

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After the incident, everyone turned back to their normal selves. The team and I walked back to the train, as usual Natsu collapsed on my lap while Gray and Erza took a short nap. I looked out the window and sighed. Was I really going to die? 
"Celestia I might visit you earlier than normal."

"That's fine with me."  I just starting to go back into reality when it hit me, where's Happy?! Wait, he was with Carle and Panther Lily. I sighed once more and began to relax. Soon as my eyes shut we make it to Magnolia. I wake everybody up then me and Natsu walked to my house, I insisted that I could go alone but he ignored me. The sun started to set in the distance so it cast a golden color on the town. I waved bye to my partner and walked inside. Quickly, I undressed then dressed into my  pajamas then jumped in bed. I fell asleep and woke up in the library. That whole night I read nonstop, I read all the books but four. They were just about love. I'm not interested. 
"Lucy, you have an amazing talent for reading." Celestia complimented 
"Thanks!" I smiled
"Now, we will start to the basic training, for body strength." 
"Alright!" I jumped up
"We will start with a basic 30 push ups."
"30?!" I exclaimed
"Yes, no get started." Celestia, in her human from, held a stick
"1....2...3......4.......5......6...." I struggled
"Faster." She hit the bookshelf with the stick, I continued to go faster until I reached 30.
"These will be your stenches for now, 30 push ups, 20 sit ups, normal arm and leg stretches and 50 jumping jacks, I know its a lot but we don't have much time." She looked at my arm, the scales grew larger and larger each time.
"Yes Ma'am!" I breathed heavy
"Also, for health conditions when you do sit ups do not go full to your knees. Go to where your whole back is off the ground, going full is bad for your back." She sat down. As I did my training I forgot about reality. Celestia began to talk about my powers finally until, a voice called my name. Actually my name was yelled many times. 
"Oh no. Lucy you need to wake up." Celestia urged
"What why?" I asked
"You've been here too long." She said concerned
"Gah!" I coughed. I shot up to see everyone in the guild  around me.
"Lucy?! Are you okay?" That phrase shot through the guild
"Yes. I'm fine, why do you ask?" I brushed myself off
"Luce. You've been out cold for a week." Natsu struggled to say, he looked awful. His voice was raspy, his hair looked greasy, and he looked pale. Mira pulled me aside,
"He hasn't slept in a week." She whispered
"Guy's I'm fine, I don't know what happened but, I'm good. Natsu lets go home." I grab his hand and walked out of the guild.  
"Natsu. please don't ever do that to yourself ever again." I stopped
"Okay, just don't get in a coma again then." He coughed
"Deal." I smiled at him. We got inside my house and cooked for him. Plus I made him take a bath, I couldn't stand the smell.  
Celestia. I'm leaving to a small town far from here to train with you. So this doesn't happen again.

Alright then. 

Natsu walked in from the bath room and plopped on my bed. I stayed up acting like I was writing my book. But in reality I was writing him a letter.
"Dear Natsu, I'm leaving to train. If I come back and you look like that again. I'm beating you with a rock. I have to go now, you fell asleep. Goodbye Natsu
Love Luce"
I packed my bags then bolted out the door using an anti-dragon slayer spell to hide my scent.
"I'm sorry Natsu."

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