46. a real drink

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46. a real drink

 a real drink

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     THUNDER RUMBLED THROUGH THE NIGHT SKY as the three of them ran beneath the trees. Walkers were right behind them, too many to fight but Quinn couldn't keep up with running through the darkness much longer either.

Daryl and Beth were right in front of her pushing through the bushes. Quickly she made her way after them frowning when she noticed they had ended up on the road. An abandoned and rusty car stood right in front them, a dead body lying on the ground.

Daryl ran up the road, holding up his crossbow as he scanned their surroundings.

Quinn headed towards the door of the car, taking place behind the wheel and tried to get it going but it seemed to have broken down completely. Once again the thunder echoed through the sky. As a kid she used to love watching through her window as the bright white beams lit up the sky at night but now every flash made her jump in her skin. Then a sound that she loved far less reached her ears, the snarls of the walkers closing in on them.

She looked at Beth, whose eyes were wide with panic.

'Come here,' Daryl suddenly said and ran up towards the trunk of the car. He opened it and gestured for Beth to climb inside. Once Quinn realised his plan she started shaking her head, she didn't want to climb into a small dark space. Daryl turned to look at her as the groans of the walkers grew louder, his gaze penetrating. She inhaled sharply and knowing she had no other choice she climbed after Beth inside the trunk.

Daryl followed them, closing it and binding the handle shut with a piece of cloth.

Quinn leaned her head back as she closed her eyes, she tried to keep her breathing steady, tried to ignore the panic rolling through her stomach but the fact that her legs were pressed up against Daryl and her arm against Beth's shoulder didn't really help.

The walkers had finally reached them and she could hear their feet shuffeling along the pavement as their growls grew louder. A white flash lit up the sky and the thunder rolled, making her shiver once again.

Next to her Daryl sat completely still, his crossbow loaded and pointed outside, just incase the walkers would somehow open the trunk.

Quinn wished she could sit just as still but her hands were trembling and no matter how hard she tried they wouldn't stop. She bit her tongue to stop herself from screaming as the thunder became louder. Suddenly Beth reached out and placed her small pale hands over Quinn's folded, trembling ones. She knew the girl was only trying to comfort her but, impossibly, it only made her feel worse.

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