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Ariella's pov

"I kind of like simple dates like this." Oscar grinned as he rubbed my belly softly.

"Just you, me, baby #3, and my impala. Simple." He laughed.

"I like it too." I smile as i lean over to kiss him.

We were seriously just chilling in our drive way. Letty and Dom were watching Malina and Aiden while we went on a date. 

Maybe i should tell him whats on my mind.

I think he has the right to know that Malina's mother is actually my sister.

This is all such a fucked up situation to even think about.

"Hey ummm... Oscar..."

"Yeah?" He smiled at me.

"Theres som-"

Then we heard a big boom.

My heart stopped beating for a second.

"Shit!" I freak out as we rushed out Oscar's car.

"Oh my god." I freak out as we both sprinted towards Letty and Dom's house.

"Oh my god." I said continuously as it was up in flames.

"Ariella!" I heard Dom's voice.

I turned around to see Dom and Letty across the street from the house with my kids safely in their arms.

"Oh thank you god." I held onto Malina and Aiden.

"What the fuck happened?" Oscar questioned.

"Someone is messing with us." Letty shook her head.

"This shit happened to Dom's house a few years back. What if its the same people?" I pouted.

"It can't be." Dom shook his head. "He's locked up."

"Then who would do this?"

That was when i got a text from an unknown number.

Anon: tell anybody about Nicole and i'll actually kill your family

"Is everything alright?" Oscar looked over at me.

I nodded my head as i just held onto Aiden.

A few days later

"Letty?" I was taken aback by her presence.

"Hey." She smiled.

I was in my office looking at houses.

"You're thinking of moving?" She questioned as i nodded my head.

"Oscar had been wanting to move for the longest time but i've been uneasy about it. But with the incident... im starting to agree."

"I think its good that you move." She smiled.

"Me and Dom are headed to Cuba for a while."

"Cuba? Whats in Cuba?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"Nothing you should worry about." She looked at the computer to check out the houses.

"I dont want to get you involved in this bullshit. Especially with another baby on the way. Ariella... its time for you to settle down and have no more bullshit to deal with. You have a family. You need to get out of Freeridge." She let out a sigh.

"I don't know if i'm ready to let everything go." I let out sigh. "If i leave that changes everything."

"You always hated change." She laughed.

"I do. Its annoying!" I groan. "But you're right. I think me and Oscar need to retire from the bullshit."

We both walked out to the front of the building.

"We are still keeping the auto shop and restaurant going. Oscar wants to open another one." I smile at his passion for his restaurant.

"I'm happy for you guys." She smiled.


"Yeah?" She looked back at me.

"I just wanna apologize."

"For what?" She looked at me weirdly.

"I don't know. I just feel like ever since mom and dad died and we found out about Santiago it made us grow apart. And i feel like its my fault." I pouted.

"Its both our faults." She let out a sigh.

"But no matter what you're still my sister. Even if we dont talk for years or if you hate me. If you need me... i'll be here. Because thats family."

"I dont think i could ever hate you." I pulled her in for a hug.

"Stay safe. Please." She hugged me even tighter before we pulled away.

"You stay safe too."



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ARIELLA | Oscar DiazWhere stories live. Discover now