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I was in the Great Hall eating breakfast and looking at my now finished homework when it got dead silent. I looked at the entrance to see her, without her wig on in all her glory. I looked behind her to see her older brother glaring at everybody, I'm surprised he even likes me. He was 'popular' you could say, played quidditch, every girl loved him, and he was a bit of a dick.

The two came over and she sat beside of me as he sat in front of us.

"They won't stop looking." She murmured.

"Who wouldn't want to look at the prettiest girl in the room?" I asked causing her to smile.

"I like how you say pretty." She leaned on me and slowly ate breakfast.

"Lu, you gotta eat more." Her older brother said.

"I'm not hungry." That's when it all went down hill even further.

She looked up at me for a bit.

"Don't be sad. I'm just not hungry."

"Olivia." She sunk down and snuggled into me after I said her name.

"Just because you came to terms with it doesn't we all have." Her older brother said.

"But I haven't! I just act like I have so yous all will be!" She cried as I pulled her into me.

"Nobody will ever come to complete terms with something like this, Doll."

"Let's go get my medicine." She said quickly while wiping her face.

She got up and looked at me when I didn't move.

"Take this with." Her older brother said, handing me toast.

I took it and grabbed her hand.

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