Wednesday morning

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*whistle blows*

In the morning

There was a crowd of students waiting for Lisa and Jisoo by their lockers

"Shit what do we do Lisa?"
Jisoo asked

"Umm run?"
She replied

The crowd of people made eye contact with them and they started running towards them

"Crap Lisa! Start running!"

Jisoo and Lisa ran around campus but the crowd were catching up to them

"Okay well um Lisa we have to split ways"


Lisa runs to the library whilst Jisoo goes for the stairs

Jisoo PoV

I'm so out of breath Jesus Christ

I opened the door to the roof and started to walk around

I feel a pair of cold hands covering my eyes

"Guess who?"

"A ghost?" I guessed

"No silly it's me"

I turn around to see who it was and it was Jennie Kim

"Oh um, hi"

She giggles

"Today is the big day"


"Yeah you're match after school today?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that"

She giggled

"You're good at remembering things"

"Yeah tell me about it" I said sarcastically

The bell rings

"We need to go Jennie"

"Really? Do we have to"


We were standing there, smiling at each other

"Should we go?"

"I'll go when you go"



We laughed

"We're not moving" she smiled

"I guess not" I smiled back

She holds my hands with hers
"You know we're late Jisoo"

"Yeah we are"

She giggled again

"Why aren't we going?"

"I don't know"

"Should we go?"

"Hmm, should we?"

"I asked you first"

Roseanne kicks open the door



"Umm hi jisoo" Roseanne waved to me


"Hold on Roseanne that's crazy"

"Yeah and our previous CEO said I was too ugly to model"

"You said you were gonna work with me not be my competition"

"What do you mean?"

"People are gonna compare us, duh"

"Oh yeah"

"Look I don't mind you becoming a model it's just I think you should be a singer or an idol"

"Fair enough and did I disturb you guys on something or.. you know what I'm gonna go but Lisa says I should be called Rosé from now one"

"Pasta?" I asked

"PhAhAaHha No Jisoo, you're funny I like that"

"Thanks pasta"

"Oh please don't call me that"

"Haha we'll see" I smirked

"Well bye then" she winked at me

Jennie looked angry at Roseanne, I wonder why? Eh never mind

"That girl is too daring" Jennie scowled

"She's a bit feisty, I guess that's why she's well fitted for Lisa"

Lisa PoV

"Lisa come back to baseball"

"No fuck off" I replied

These jerks why do they want to mess with me again

"Come on and then we can go drinking"

"I'm not about that life anymore"

"Hey you were the party monster, what happened to you"

"I'm Lisa not some idiot that wastes their life on drugs, smoking and drinking"

"Woah chill, we're just joking"

"You assholes are still scared of me so quit the act"

"Hey that's some big talk coming out of a fuckgirl"

"Leave me alone"

"Fine then but you're never gonna make it in basketball"

"Keep on dreaming cunts"

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