XI. Mystery Guy

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[Olivia's POV]

"Wakey, wakey little Ashley!" Rica screamed and jumped into me.

"How dare you?!" I scoffed. I was not really a morning person.

"Welcome!" She clasped her hands and batted her eyelashes.

"Why are you so hyper today huh?" I pouted.

"Gee. Of course we have lots of talk to be done today! I wanna go shopping! Plus, you've got to tell me more about that Mystery Guy." She winked.

Oh yes, that Mystery Guy. I dreamt of him while I was sleeping.

"Hey hey. What are you thinking about?" She asked.

"May I remind you that we have classes today?" I asked back.

She scoffed and said, "Well, I just have to tell them to move the classes in the morning to afternoon."

Yes, Giordan family is the owner of Leighton University, the biggest university in the country. It is full of kids from different rich families. As the only daughter and heiress of Giordan family, Ericka has all her rights to run the school.

"No." I said shortly and stood out of bed.

"And why?" She asked in a bitchy tone.

"First, I want to study. Second, it's Lit subject. Third, we didn't have classes yesterday." Yup. We don't have classes on Fridays.

"And lastly, we'll just do shopping after class." I suggested.

"Boring." She rolled her eyes and I shot her a deathly glare.

"Kay then. School it is." She raised her hand and sighed in defeat.

We hurriedly prepared for school. I wore a grey sweatshirt and jag jeans with my faded brown boots. Rica has her blonde hair curled in ponytail and her pink Chanel crop top paired with high-waist short and her black Sneaker wedge, sexy as always.

At Leighton University..

"Bish, no need to hurry." Rica complained as were walking in a fast pace.

I turned to her, still walking with my back on front. "But what if we get late in Lit? Or what if our prof arrives early? What if--"

"Enough with the what if's. You're overreacting." She showed her poker face.


"No buts, miss." She cutted me off. "Now, face the front and walk normally or else you're gonna--"

"Ow!" I groaned as I found myself lying and kissing the ground.

"You're gonna bump to someone." Rica continued and I heard her clicked her tongue.

"Damn. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." someone said as he pulled me up. He's probably the one who I bumped into.

"It's okay, I'm fine." I said as I faced him.

My eyes widened. "Hey, you are the guy from last night!"

"Gee. So he's the mystery guy?" Rica asked. "He's hot." She whispered.

"Yup. Hi Ashley. Hi Elise." He said and waved his hands.

"You know us?" Rica asked in a shocked tone.

"Of course." He smirked. I thought for a second. Nobody calls us by our second name except...

"BLAKE?!" Rica and I cried in unison.

"The one and only, Blake Ivan Schute - Dalton." He said and did his signature head sway.

That mystery guy? Blake Dalton, the heir of Dalton Group of Companies, one of the leading companies in the country. Our childhood friend, bestfriend to be exact, was back after 10 freakin years!

"Where have you been? We haven't heard from you." I asked worriedly.

"I stayed with mom in Germany. Studied there for nine years. And now, I'm back. Aren't you happy?" He grinned.

"Well, yes, of course. But wait--nine years? You're away for ten years right?" I curiously asked.

"And I wonder why daddy haven't told me anything about you." Rica commented.

He scratched the back of his head. "I was actually here for five months now. I just enrolled last Thursday."

"Five months? Five months and you didn't even bother to contact us?" Rica pouted.

"Sorry. My girlfriend forbid me to contact any girls." He chuckled.

"But we're not just 'any girls'!" Rica shrieked.

"Shh. Anyways, you've got a girlfriend huh? Where is she?" I teased.

Blake stiffened up for a second, "Again, sorry Elise. And my girlfriend, she's somewhere there."

"Cool then. Wanna join shopping later?" Rica suggested.

"Sure. I'd love to." Blake smiled.

"As far as I remember, guys hate shopping. Are you--" I teased.

"Don't try to use that word. Besides, I'm not just 'another guy'" He winked.

"Yep. You are Olivia's Mystery Guy." Rica joked and made us all laugh.

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