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I really want to learn how to use tarot cards, but I'm a Christian and divination is not really acceptable to be around in the Christian eye because of all the spirits you come in contact with in the process and all. But duude, tarot cards are so interesting and djcjfjskskw aH

Y/n's POV

"We need eggs. A lot of eggs." I mentioned, standing up straight.

Ethan and I had gotten back to his house about an hour ago, finished with our ride around town. Once we had food in our system(though, it wasn't much), Ethan had gathered up enough courage to drive us around for the rest of the day. He had fun riding it, but driving was another story.

He thought it would be the same, but once he realized he had multiple things to worry about his courage crumpled down into fear. It only took but a few minutes for Ethan to get used to it and enjoy it.

Now, we were in his kitchen waiting for day to turn into night. We had spent the past hour trading stories and cooking a quick dinner for ourselves, wanting to leave before his parents got back home from wherever they were at the moment. Leaving the house with cartons of eggs would be too suspicious. We needed to stay out of any adult's eyes.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "Thats kind of difficult considering you got us kicked out of the closest store yesterday."

"Relax, it's not like we were banned, we can go back." I turned to Ethan's fridge, opening the door and searching for a carton of eggs. "Do you have eggs?"

"You are not taking eggs from the fridge." Ethan stated firmly, standing up from his spot on the bar stool. "We can just buy however many we need on the way there!"

"Yes, we can, but this will save us money." I say, pulling the egg carton out from the top self. I turned to see Ethan was standing next to me, a hesitant look on his face. "Relax, it's not like anyone will notice. They're eggs, you know how quickly those run out?"

I passed him and set the carton on the bar. He followed me, uncertainty laced in his voice. "Are you sure nothing terribly bad will happen?"

"I promise." I say, giving him a reassuring smile.

"You have to remember that egging someones house is something we could get arrested for."

"Yes, but thats only 15 days up to a year." I stated, waving off his reminder like it was nothing.

"Are you sure you haven't done this before? Wait- are you sure you haven't gotten arrested before?"

I smirked at the taller male. "Thats for me to know and you to find out."

Ethan's eyebrows stitched together, not sure whether or not I was joking. I simply smiled and started my way back downstairs where we were located before. He followed, confusion written all over his face.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he trailed behind me.

At the end of the stairs, I turned to my right and pushed open his bedroom door, immediately heading for his closet.

His confusion got worse. "Y/n, what are you doing?"

"We need black clothes." I responded, searching through his closet, pushing clothes aside and inspecting others.

"Damn, you make us sound like we're doing something illegal."

I giggled. "We are."

He rolled his eyes. "I meant something seriously illegal. Like, robbery or murder or something."

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