Riot and Andy Sitting In a Tree. F-U-C-K-I-N-G!

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Sorry for the time jump, you guys. :/


Five years later, I stretched out in our bed, taking in the moment. Andy was asleep next to me, almost snoring, the sun was streaming in through the window, and as of current Zak was asleep. That'd last another minute and a half.

I heard Andy draw in a breath as he woke up. He stretched his limbs, then he opened his eyes at me. He smiled and kissed me once, then he said, "Morning, love."

I smiled and kissed his angular nose. "Morning, Andy. And..." I pushed him to his back and threw my leg over him so I could straddle his hips. "Happy Birthday."

He smiled. "Ah yes. My birthday."

"Mm-hmm. But you have work today, so." I bent over and kissed him once.

"Do I have to?" he whined, sounding just like Zak.

I smirked and brought it to his attention. "You sound just like your son," I said.

"Okay." He sat up, keeping his arms around me. He kissed me softly yet urgently, then he asked, "So what's my birthday present?"

"You have to wait 'til tonight to find out." I smiled mischeviously at him.

He pouted his bottom lip at me, knowing I could almost never resist it. "C'mon, now," he said, still pouting. He kissed me once. "Please?"

"Momma! Daddy!" Zak practically squealed as he came running in. He jumped onto our bed and squirmed himself right between us to hug Andy. "Happy birthday, Daddy!" he yelled.

Andy smiled, kissed Zak's head, and hugged him back. "Thanks, buddy," he said.

"So how old are you?" Zak asked.

I laughed. Andy laughed too, then he ruffled Zak's hair and said, "One year older than last year."

"How old were you last year?" Zak asked impatiently.

"A year younger than I am this year." Andy smiled.

"Daddy!" Zak pouted.

Andy smiled again and kissed Zak's forehead. "Today I'll be twenty-eight."

"Jesus, you're old," I said, joking.

He pursed his lips at me. "You're not much better, Miss Twenty-Five."

I smirked at him. "Yeah, but I'm in my mid-twenties. You're super close to turning--"

"Don't say it!" Andy yelled in fake panic.

"Don't say what?" Zak asked.

"Thirty!" I stuck my tongue out at Andy.

"No!" Andy cried in fake hurt.

"What's wrong with thirty?" Zak asked.

"Your daddy's afraid of getting old," I said, picking Zak up. I steadied him at my hip, then I said, "Let's get you dressed. You have your playdate with Cassie today, remember?"

"Mm-hmm." He nodded quickly. Cassie's Alexis and CC's daughter. She was about a year younger than Zak. "Can I wear Batman?" he asked as I set him down on his bed.

"Of course, baby," I said. I went into his drawers and grabbed his Batman shirt and a pair of jeans. I threw them at him lightly, then I asked, "Can you get dressed yourself!"

"Mm-hmm!" he said, nodding as quickly as he could. He'd been complaining lately about him being able to do it himself, so.

"Alright. I'm just down the hall if you need me," I said as I turned and almost shut the door behind me.

So... Andy's Still Taking Shirtless Pictures In Our Bathroom...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt