Having an Affair with My Soon-to-Be Stepdad [14]

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Next part guys :))
Okay, I promise, promise, promise to upload the Teacher story next.

It was three days later that I finally woke up. After that little word from James, my whole life seemed to have fallen apart completely. I sat in my room, waiting for my mom to come back from the spa, watching Korean dramas from my laptop and eating various types of junk.

I sighed and looked down at the time on my laptop. It was apparently way off, saying that it was six pm when it was still sunny outside. I sighed anddouble-clickedit. The calendar came up and I nearly jumped when I saw the date. It was August 23.

"Oh my God...." I mumbled. "School!"

I had completely forgotten about shitty school, shitty homework and shitty August. I groaned and flopped against the pillow. I was about to holler down to mom downstairs that she needed to start renting Vinny-from three floors down-'s car to take me to school in the morning when I realized that she was still at that damn spa.

I got up from my rest haven and looked through my closet. Everything looked old and lame. I rolled my eyes and decided to get something to eat. When was the last time I had some orange juice?

I put on my slippers and clumped down the stairs to the kitchen. It was a Sunday, so James was sitting at the table using his laptop. When I came in, he looked up for a second and took a huge slurp of cereal from his spoon.

I walked past him and grabbed a cup and the carton of orange juice from the fridge. I poured some and silently slipped by again.

Suddenly I heard James clear his throat. "Your mother....is coming...home...today...from the spa."

I didn't reply and stepped into the living room, sipping my orange juice and looking for a book. I finally picked up Pride and Prejudice and started reading. At about the fourth page, I heard James clear his throat again.

"Do you want...to come with me to...pick your mother up?" he asked slowly.

I didn't say anything, only ignored him and read on. He stood over me awkwardly and I finally got up and walked off. I looked at him once, to see that his hair was in messy dark brown spikes, he was wearing a black v-neck and black pajama pants.

"I guess that's a no then," he said, laughing a little.

Again I was silent, opening the balcony screen door. I took a seat in the chair and continued to read. I was uninterrupted for about thirty minutes when the screen door opened.

Despite myself, I looked up and saw James wearing a towel, and only a towel. His torso was still wet from taking a shower and his hair was dripping.

He leaned against the door casually. "I'm giving you a second chance," he said with a smile. "We can go pick up Krystal and act like nothing ever happened."

I couldn't take this shit anymore. I closed my book slowly and with super attitude and looked up at him with a blank face. "Let me tell you something," I said slowly. "You're a stupid bastard. You're the biggest bastard I know. In fact, you're the only bastard I know. You think I'll come running back to you after you insulted me like that?! I'm not some sort of pillow you can lean on whenever you need to." I stood up and slammed the book into his wet chest. "Read this; it'll give you a few lessons on how to treat a woman you're obviously obsessed with."

I stormed off into my room and slammed the door shut. I dialed my mom's number and spoke as soon as she said 'hello'. "Mom, I need to go shopping for school. Wherever the hell I'm going."



Later that night, James came out of his room and said, "How do I look?" I didn't look up, but heard my mother quickly exclaim an answer. "Thanks, babe. I'm giving a speech tonight at the Hartford," he said, fixing up his navy blue pinstripe suit.

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