Jai's POV

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I heard the door bell ring and I watched my stupid brother run down to get the door, "What the hell is he excited about?" Daniel asked "Who knows" I said "Maybe it's his booty call" I joked. the other guys laughed "Guys get your asses down here" Beau yelled, "Ignore him" Luke said "Natalie brought a friend!!" he called once again. We all looked at Luke, "Lets Go!" he said. We all trampled each other as we raced down the stairs. We all stood there as Beau introduced us to this blond beauty........ I have a thing for blonds. Her name, Bradley. I turned my attention to Daniel who had his legs crossed real tight, it looked like he had to piss, but knew what that meant. I can't blame him, Bradley was gorgeous, and he easily got 'them' Fucking interrupted my thinking when he kissed Bradley.....TWINS SUCK ASS! When he finished I punched him in the back, but not hard enough so Bradley wouldn't notice.

•a few hours later •

Later we were all sitting on the couch talking and I watched Bradley get up and walk outside, of course my god damn brother follows, I try not to pay attention to him but Beau brings it up "Hey guys we should go jump in the pool and ruin love birds' moment!" even though I was jealous that Luke was getting the girl, I didn't really wanna ruin it for him, I hate when he's mad at me "Yeah" everyone else cheered, so I guess we were gonna go, might as well make the best of it! We snuck over to the sliding doors then jumped in, right before they kissed.... I kinda felt guilty but I guess I should have fun.

• 1 hour later •

After we were finished Daniel brought out towels I just started to talk to Nat and James instead........ I know I was acting like a dick earlier to Luke but I began to soften up about it, I hope he gets the girl.

The Five GuysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora