Treacherous 27

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"C'est trop drôle pour moi!"

Samarah!" Lisa was startled and paused from applying her eyeliner.

"Damn it." She muttered, her eyeliner almost ruined from the sudden boom of Jungkook's voice. She took a makeup wipe to fix it before taking her lipstick.

The door to her room opened, revealing Jungkook who had his eyebrows knitted together, his necktie in his hand.

"Still not done? We're already running late!" Jungkook complained as he taps his leather shoe impatiently.

Lisa didn't say anything. She applied her lipstick on her lips, aware that Jungkook was watching her through the mirror intently and with impatience in his eyes. She pressed her lips together before parting it with a pop.

She checked her look in the mirror one last time.

"How much longer?" Jungkook snapped, checking his wristwatch. "Shit."

It was ten minutes before eleven in the morning. He knew an hour won't be enough to get ready and to drive to Jeon Empire. And so he called his secretary earlier to move the lunch meeting at eleven forty-five.

Lisa turned to him and took the necktie from his grasp. She wrapped it around his neck and fixed his dress shirt collar before proceeding to expertly creating the knot for the tie.

"There." She said before turning around and took her bag with her.

As they exit the front door, Lisa rummaged through her bag to find her car keys. Jungkook locked the front doors.

When she found it, she was about to press the smart key when it was suddenly snatched out of her hand by nonother than Jungkook.

"Hey! What are you doing?" She asked him before following the guy who walked past her and went to his car.

"Get in." He instructed instead and she scrunched up her nose in disapproval.

"Uhm my car is right here? Give me my car keys!" She demanded, placing her hand out, waiting for him to return the keys.

"You're coming with me." He said. "Remember what you told me last night?"

Lisa thought about it for a second or two until a light bulb lit up in her head. The deal about her teaching him French.

Okay. She can teach him in the car or something then she's off to LSA.

"Fine." She muttered before going around the car and entered the passenger seat. Jungkook followed suit and brought his car to life.

"Okay so, what should I teach you?" She asked, though her eyes were focused on her phone.

"How about I tell you then translate it for me?" Jungkook suggested as he maneuvers the car expertly.

"Sure." Was her reply.

And so they proceeded to do their "French Lesson for Jungkook 101" while on the way to work. He would ask things and she would answer and translate for him. Not that the questions were complicated though. Something along the lines of "what's the French for Hello?" Or the French translation for "Thank you very much." "Did you have a good flight?" "How are you?" "Did you enjoy the food?" Etcetera etcetera.

The only difficulty that he encountered was pronunciation.

"What? Can you say that again? I didn't catch it." Jungkook said as they stopped in front of a stoplight.

"Comment   était   votre   vol?" Lisa spoke slowly for him to follow, emphasizing how to correctly pronounce the words. Before repeating it at a normal pace. "Comment était votre vol?"

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