Chapter 12

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Anya dragged Clementime out of the room, leaving me and Alyessa alone. We followed after them to grab our schedules, but first we decided to be considerate and locked up their room, leaving the key in a discreet place. Well, as discreet as hiding a key in the small plant at the end of the hall can be.

By the time we were done locking up ,which was awhile conisdering most of the time was spent arguing over where the key should have been hidden. The two were no where in sight.

Aleyssa and I then decided to just go off on our own since it'd be easier. The walk to the office was filled with my endless chatter as i tried to reason to Aleyssa just why taping the key to the door would have been the most effecient way to hiding the key.

We reached the office just as I was saying, "while yes the tape would leave the key completly visable, it would also mean that Anya and Clementime are sure to see it. I mean, if it would make you feel better we could even use colored tape, or duct tape.Or even taping a sign over it reading, "there is no key under this peice of paper." Genius, right?

"No Roux, not at all genius. Also, I doubt the maintaince crew would appreciate the tape marks that had appeared on the door when class has even yet to start." Chided Alyessa as we turned into the doors of the office.

"Fine," I huffed under my breath. "Don't reconize my genius, in fact I think you just want to use my awesome idea for yourself. I bet when we get back there's going to be the key taped on the door and you're going to claim all the credit." I was talking mainly to myself now, as Alyessa had left my side and had claimed our schedules during my little ranting of keys and tape.

"Ok, I got our schedules. Not that you care, you tape maniac." She said as she silently looked it over then gave it to me.

Our schedules were mostly the same, except where I had art, she had band. Curse my lack of musical talent. The only instrument I could even play the slightest was the triangle. Art wasn't my strong point either, but at least the small amount of drawing I could manage would not ruin anyone's sense of hearing, as if I were to play an instrument would. The other elecive being Spanish, one class I mostly enjoyed, along with the other four core classes.

Not wanting to get lost on our first day of class we went to tour the school and familiarize ourselfs with the layout of the school.

I tried to ignore Alyessa as she scolded me for stopping at yet another vending machine which I took note of and marked on my map.

"What, I think it's very important to know the location of where the vending machines are. I could be very dehydrated or in need of sustenence, and with no source of food I could very well die. Which would be tragic and no matter what you say, you'd miss me. I know you would." I said hoping she'd see my point.

She only gave a small nod and a sarcastic "Huh uh, I see."

I said nothing more of the matter as we finished our tour. Both of us excited for our first day.


Sorry this took a long time. I don't have much motivation.


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