95. The Blip

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There I was, in front of Peter and May's apartment in Queens. I could remember the last time I was there. Five years ago, to tell May about what had happened. I walked up the stairs and into their hallway. 

" You guys want Pizza?" I heard May ask from inside the apartment. 

" That's great!" I heard Peter tell her. I knocked and she opened up. 

" Come in, come in." She told me and gave me a hug. " Guys! Odette is here!" She shouted and they both walked out of Peter's room. Seeing Ned put a huge smile on my face. 

" Where the hell have you been?" He asked, amazed to see me. I was confused for a second, but then I remembered. Even though he was snapped, he hadn't seen me in about a year. 

" You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I said and we hugged. " I've missed you buddy." I told him.

While we were building the Death Star we talked about all our adventures. Ned wanted to know every detail. From being stuck in space to which color the Grandmaster's robes were. " So, when Carol saved us by literally flying us to earth we-" 

" Wait, weren't you blipped?" Ned interrupted me. 

" Was I what?" I asked him. 

" Blipped." He repeated " You know, the blip." 

I realised what he was asking. " If you mean the snap then no, I wasn't." I told him. 

Now it was his turn to be confused " But you look, you know, the same, except for the hair of course." 

I smiled " I used a time machine to become 19 again."

 When he heard the word time machine he started to laugh out loud. " Ha that's funny." But when he realised Peter and I weren't laughed he was shocked " You have a time machine?! He now asked excited. 

" Technically it's Banner's, but yeah the Avengers have one." 

His eyes went wide from amazement. " You travelled through time?" He asked. 

" That's the second part of the story, so all of you guys were snapped, I even went by Flash's house to see if he was there, that's how desperate I was for a friend. But we all had to accept half the population was gone. Five years had passed, and that's when they came knocking on dad's door...."

When I had told him the whole story he just sat there, speechless. " I can't believe you lifted Mjolnir." He said, which made me smile. I hadn't even thought about that, especially not since Steve had taken it with him. 

Right when I wanted to ask to switch the subject, cause I didn't want to think about that last fight Peter was one step ahead of me. " You got yoda over there?" He asked Ned. He looked around him and picked up the little green figurine. 

" Found him I have." He said and we all laughed. It was nice having them back, and it was nice being able to not worry for once. The only responsibility we had was washing our plates after eating pizza. Which was a big step down from saving the universe. But a step that I largely appreciated.

We were watching Harry Potter, eating popcorn and talking about how Snape was a good or a bad guy, when my phone started buzzing. I looked at the called ID, 'salt-n-PEPPER' I picked up and walked into the kitchen. 

" Hello?" I asked. 

" Hey Odette, it's Pepper." She said. I wanted to tell her I knew because there was something like caller ID but I decided not to. 

" What's up?" I asked her. 

" Clint has finally decided on a date for the funeral." She told me. 

" When is it?" I asked her. 

" In two days, at his place." She told me. 

" I'll be there." I told her. We said our goodbyes and I went back to watch the movie. At first we wanted to do dad's and Nat's funeral together. But then we decided to do a smaller one, with only the people who really knew her. 

" Everything okay?" Peter asked. 

" Yeah." I nodded and tried not to think about the funeral for the rest of the night. 

To be a Stark {Peter Parker X OC} ( from AOU to FFH)Where stories live. Discover now