6. The Plan

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They exchanged helpless look.

"Were you eavesdropping?" Dakota asked in shock.

I didn't care, I needed her back. Immediately.

"I've improved the serum," Ethan then stammered. "No one's disappearing after using it, so there are going to be zero problems once we... find her."

I looked blankly back at him.

"I need," I said slowly. "Her back."

"We're gonna get her back, Cory," Dakota promised in an attempt to soothe me and Ethan nodded in agreement.

I looked to the ground with a stoic facial expression.

I was gonna get her back. There was no other possibility. None.

"Dump the serum on her grave. All of it."

"I've already tried. It's not working," He answered nervously, pacing around now.

"Make it work then."

"We need to find her body," He explained once again.

"Find it then," I said in the same stoic tone.

Ethan pulled on his hair. "This is why I needed more time!"

"We just need to find out where these unclaimed bodies get buried," Dakota suggested frantically.

"No one can know about this though," Ethan said, fear in his eyes. "Absolutely no one. It was hard enough to convince them to use the serum on you for scientific reasons. If the government finds out that I used it again on a human being, we are all going down."

"Why get them involved in the first place?" I demanded.

"How else were we supposed to convince people that you were revived on the spot and not several months later?" He hissed.

"Keep your voice down," Dakota told him.

"There were articles about your death, rumors going around! They agreed on helping us keep things undercover by making these journalists claim that it was a false alarm and you were safe and sound at home for a speedy recovery."

My eyes grew bigger. "What exactly have you guys done?" I asked. "What about my funeral?"

After a a long pause, Ethan replied, "There was no funeral. We froze you until I was done with the serum."

My jaw almost hit the ground.

They had frozen my body.

This whole situation was ridiculously insane.

"So what are we going to do about Ruth, huh?" I demanded with a shaky voice. "Dig up all of those unidentified bodies until we find the right one?"

"I think we found a use for Seth," Dakota suddenly mumbled.

"What are you talking about?" Ethan asked in irritation.

"Think about it," She said to her brother. "He's actually crazy enough for the job! Plus he wants to get us busted. What better way to convict us than finding the body to get DNA samples and prove that it was indeed Ruth Darling who was brought back to life by us? And we'll have leverage on our hands if we film him digging her up."

Ethan looked at his sister with wide eyes. "This could actually work," He started stammering in excitement. "That sick bastard used to brag about how he's got photos of her with us and even hair samples."

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