Chapter 40

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"I can not wait until we get this place up and running." 

It was now the second week of February and Cartier along with Jaycean were in their cupcake shop.

"Yeah." Jay agreed. "It's coming along nicely."

Cartier noticed Jaycean sulky mood. "Did you ever get a chance to talk to the kids yet."

"No. The twins birthday are next week. I already planned everything. This court shit has to go smoothly as possible."

"And it will Jay. No matter what happens all four of them are coming home because at the end of the day they passed those health tests so them people know those allegations against you were false."

"If they know that then why hasn't my kids come home yet." 

"Now that is what I would've took them to court for."

"But that still doesn't justify how they found cocaine in my room."

"Planted." Cartier nodded. "Gotta be."

Jay shrugged gathering her phone and keys. "I don't know but I have to go because my mother is making my sister, brother and I hang out with her fiances daughter."

"Oh lord." she laughed. "A new step sister. How she look."

"She's cute and has curly hair something like yours."

"Haaay. There's only room enough on the team for one curly haired shawty."

"She ain't on the team yet but we'll see."

Leaving out Jay met Javaria and Kouri (pronounced Kori) at a cafe.

"I'm late, what else is new." Jay spoke to herself.

"Is that a bad first impression."

She then shrugged. "Who cares, I didn't agree to this shit."

"You know you look so weird just standing over hea' talking to yourself."

Turning Javaria stood behind her sister. "Oh don't mind me." Jay smiled. "Is she here, do you see her."

Javaria pointed Kouri out who was sitting across the room.

"Well okay. Shall we go mingle with our soon to be step sister."

"She better not piss me off."

"She might judging by that frown upon her face. Where hell is Jordon."

"I don't know but you're late." Javaria told her as they slowly approached the table.

"I was only late because I figured you two were already here so I didn't rush."

"Bitch I was only late cause I figured you two were already hea' so I didn't rush."

Bursting into laughter they finally made it to the table.

"If I knew y'all was going to be late I would not have came. I didn't drive, I ubered."


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