36. Expiate

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Holy... To think a scare like that is the way for me to return to my reality as Mercury Caduceus... How terrifying is that experience to me...?


When I come to my sense, I find myself sitting on a bed in an unfamiliar room.

Aside from me, other people in the room are also in the state of sudden petrification.

When our brains start working again, Space flies to me, slamming me back to the bed. I am suffocated under his tight embrace.


I am back.

"Mercuryyyyy!!!" Space is really crying, wetting me with his tears

I push him away with all my strength, which is not much. I furrow my eyebrows when I realise how weak my body is.

I am grateful to the smart people I have around me who know to separate Space from me. After I inhale all the O2 I can in 1 gulp, I release a long CO2. Then, I push myself up weakly, grimacing at the weakness of my body, and take a look at them.

Whoa. Their eyes are glittering; as if they are going to cry.

What? What's with this sorrowful atmosphere inside this...hospital ward? There are 2 other empty but definitely used beds besides mine in this room.

As I notice more of my surrounding, I realise Space is not wearing a hospital gown anymore. I am, though.

En... Can someone explain something?

Why are you still sad now that you see I am...awake? Shouldn't they be happy to see me awake?

"Mercury," Asterism Hamal, trying to maintain his emotions, still sounds hoarse as he asks me, "...How are you?"

A standard greeting. Oh, well, "I feel weak; but fine,"

"That's...good?" Asterism is doubtful of my credibility

Cosmos Altarf steps forward, attracting my attention. With a grave expression on his face, he questions me, "How is your mind, Mercury?" plus a brief break before, "Do you still remember us?"

"If I don't remember you, I wouldn't have been so amiable now," I remind them of my personality; because I am quite hostile to strangers, no kidding



My mind? Why is Cosmos asking about my mind?


"I am very clear-headed. If that's what you're asking," as for other meanings behind his question, I will act as if I don't understand, to save himself from a beating

"I...see?" just like Asterism, Cosmos loosens his grave expression to respond doubtfully

A long pause later, someone finally finds the mind to inform my attending Doctor.

I don't have any expectation about the Doctor who treats me. However, when I see the Doctor, I can't help but jump on my bed and wanting to run away.

Why is the representative in this world too?! As my Doctor! He must be a quack doctor!!!

Seeing me reacting so much to his appearance, the representative pauses, not taking another step forward to reach me. However, even that far away from me, since he just takes a few steps into the room, I still can clearly hear his low voice as if he is sitting in front of me, back at the restaurant.

"Hello, Miss Mercury Caduceus," he has a kind smile on his gentle face whilst talking, "This is the 1st time we meet. It is nice to meet you. I am your psychiatrist, 希 流星 (Xī Liúxīng),"

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