Chapter Nine

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"Alright, I will come check on you after my lunch break, okay?" Taehyung said to his patient with a smile before he grabbed his charts and walked out of the room. He walked over and placed the chart back by the door before he sanitized his hands. "Tae!"

Taehyung looked up and saw his best friend jogging towards him. "Hi hyung! How's your day?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon smiled. "Good so far! How's yours?" Taehyung smiled back. "Good!" He checked his watch. "Ah well it's about to get better."

Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows. "Why?" Taehyung smirked and walked over to the nurses station and pulled out a chart. He started to look it over. "Three... two... one." Taehyung said to Namjoon. The elder furrowed his eyebrows before he watched as a younger girl with long brown hair, in a lab coat, walked in and looked at Taehyung.

"Oh! Dr. Kim! I need to talk to you!" Taehyung and Namjoon both looked at her. She blushed a bit. "I meant Taehyung-o-oppa..." Taehyung chuckled a bit as she blushed and looked at the nurses who were staring at her. "I have a patient to see first though." Taehyung nodded. "I already did my rounds, I have a couple minutes to wait." She nodded before she walked away.

Namjoon scoffed. "You are not." Taehyung looked at Namjoon. "What?" Taehyung asked. Namjoon sighed and gave him a look. "Tae, come on." Taehyung looked over at the nurses before he put the chart back and nodded for Namjoon to follow him to an empty room. "Dude! You aren't having sex with the hot new girl!" Namjoon said in disbelief. Taehyung laughed a bit. "No, I'm not. There's just been a lot of flirting going on. I don't think I'm gonna try dating again though."

Namjoon sighed. "Tae it's not your fault, things just didn't work out with the boys' mom. She was crazy!" Taehyung sighed. "I don't know why I ever thought I'd find someone after Hani..." Namjoon rubbed his arm. "Hey, you're still young. And you have the new girl pining after you already." Taehyung rolled his eyes. "I guess... hyung?" "Yeah?" Taehyung sighed out. "Am I natural flirt?" Namjoon thought for a moment. "No, not at all. Remember how long it took you to ask Hani out?"

Taehyung nodded and chuckled a bit. "Yeah. She yelled at me before she tackled me to the ground and kissed me." Namjoon nodded. "And you were in love with her for how long?" Taehyung rolled his eyes. "A long time." Namjoon nodded. "So no, you're not." Taehyung nodded.

"God I miss her." Taehyung said as he looked around to keep from crying. Namjoon hugged the younger tightly. Taehyung hugged him back, pulling away as Namjoon's pager went off. "Shit, okay... good luck with the hot new girl, I will talk to you later if I see you!" Taehyung nodded before Namjoon ran off. Taehyung took a deep breath before he walked out and back over to the nurses station.

The girl walked back in and looked at him. "Dr. Kim? Can I talk to you privately about this... patient I have?" Taehyung smiled and nodded before he followed her to the stairwell. She stopped after the first flight of stairs. She turned to Taehyung and smiled as she got closer.

"Dr. Kim, I've noticed the way you look at me. And we been flirting for awhile... I was just wondering why you haven't made a move yet?" She asked as she looked down at Taehyung's lips that curled up into a soft smile. "We have been flirting... but I'm sorry, Rosé. I just... I'm not looking for anything right now." Rosé nodded. "Not even a fuck buddy?" She asked as she adjusted his lab coat.

Taehyung gulped and chuckled lightly before his phone started to go off. "I'll um... I'll definitely think about it." Rosé nodded and started to back up. "Okay, well you know where to find me, Dr. Kim." She said before she left. Taehyung ran back up the stairs and checked his phone as he walked towards the elevators.


Yoongi looked around the hospital as he waited for Taehyung. He blushed a bit as he saw him walk towards him. "Hi! I hope I didn't keep you waiting long." Taehyung said. Yoongi shook his head and smiled. "Not at all!" Taehyung chuckled a bit and nodded. "Okay, good." Yoongi nodded back.

It was quiet as they stood there and stared at each other for a moment. Yoongi watched as Taehyung blushed a bit and cleared his throat. "I got the food! I ordered it a bit ago and it just came like fifteen minutes ago. I got it all set up in the um... in one of the conference rooms." Yoongi smiled. "Great, lead the way!" Taehyung chuckled a bit and nodded before he put his hands in his coat pockets and lead Yoongi over to the elevator.

Taehyung opened the room to the small conference room and gestured for Yoongi to sit. "What kind of drink did you want?" Yoongi looked at him and smiled. "A coke or sprite is fine." Taehyung smiled and nodded. "I'll be right back." He said before he left. Yoongi sat down and looked at the food as he waited. Taehyung walked back in after a couple minutes and set a soda down in front of him.

Taehyung sat down next to him and looked at Yoongi's face. "Whoa, hey are you okay? You don't look so good." Yoongi looked at his him widened eyes. "What?" Taehyung's eyes widened as well. "No! I- you- you're pale and clammy... are you sick?" Taehyung asked as he scooted closer to Yoongi and pulled out his stethoscope.

Yoongi blushed as Taehyung put it on and started to examine him. Taehyung moved it across Yoongi's chest as he listened. He looked up and met the elder's eyes and blushed. Taehyung scooted back and quickly put his stethoscope away. "I am so sorry! I just.. I can't turn it off I guess." Yoongi laughed a little. "It's okay... did you hear anything?"

Taehyung nodded. "Has your heartbeat always been irregular?" Yoongi turned red. "Uh... no." Taehyung slowly started to pull his stethoscope back out. "Can I check from the back- your back! Listen to.. um..." Yoongi nodded. "Really?" Taehyung asked. Yoongi nodded again. Taehyung stood up and pushed the packages of food back. "Could you sit on the table? Wait is it okay if I go under your shirt? I can hear better-" "Sure." Yoongi said as he sat down on the table.

Taehyung nodded before he put the stethoscope back on and pulled Yoongi's shirt up a bit. "Okay sit up for me a little." Yoongi did as he was told and held his breath as Taehyung got closer and put his hand up his shirt and press the warm metal against his chest. Yoongi slowly looked up at the younger as Taehyung moved it over a bit.

"Oh wow." Taehyung said. Yoongi blushed. "What?" Taehyung shook his head. "It's just... none of the doctors you've been to have looked into it?" Yoongi looked around and gulped as Taehyung moved it again. "Nope... they um... they said I'd be fine."

Taehyung moved back and looked down at Yoongi. "I really want to examine you-" Yoongi gulped again. "But you aren't my patient... you looked okay this morning. Did you eat breakfast?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows as he thought. "I don't think so? I don't remember, this morning was hectic." Taehyung nodded. "Well let's eat. You should probably eat an apple or something around five or so, I'm not sure if this will be enough." Taehyung said as he started to get the food out.

Yoongi got down and sat in the chair. Taehyung handed him some chop sticks and a container of food. Yoongi waited until Taehyung sat down to start eating. Taehyung looked over at him and smiled. "You really need to eat breakfast." Taehyung said with a chuckle. Yoongi blushed and nodded with his full cheeks as Taehyung softly laughed at him.

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