🇫🇷 Happy Birthday France🇫🇷

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Felicia: *comes in with her uniform on* I'm home!!

America: Uh dudette should you be in school?

Felicia: I'm using the school's wifi because of this plus it's dismissal anyway!

Germany: Aren't phones not allowed on the school campus?

Felicia: Well us only class hours are not allowed to use our phones and the teacher agrees to let us use our phones if they are needed in the lesson.

Germany: Oh...

Italy: What are you doing anyway?

Felicia: Anyway since I know Frenchie here had his birthday yesterday and me being a bad person forgot because she was making her Art project so Happy Birthday France!! *brought out a cake with a chibi France holding his flag and a bouquet of roses*

France: Ma Cherie you shouldn't have I get it that you're busy yet you still made time for moi.

Felicia: Ehe...sorry about that anyway go and blow the candles!

France: *blows the candles* Merci Mon Cherie.

Felicia: *smiles* Sure Kuya France. Happy Birthday!

England: Yeah sure Happy Birthday you frog.

America: Happy Birthday dude!!

Canada: Happy Birthday Papa!

France: *smiles* Thank you...

Hetalia truth or dareTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang