Chapter 11

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Once Nikki got back from rehearsal he asked me if I wanted to go with him. I said yeah. So we walk out of the apartment and I saw a beautiful Harley sitting in front of the apartment. "Oh my god Nikki", I said excited. "So I guess you like bikes?", Nikki said with a giggle. "I love them". As he climbed on I waited on the side walk to climb on. I wrapped my arms around him. I loved the feeling of being on the bike with him, feeling the wind, it was freeing.

We headed to the rainbow to meet up with the other guys. Nikki wanted me to meet them. Once Nikki introduced me to everyone, Mick had said "so your the one Nikki keeps talking about", with a grin on his face. Nikki looked at Mick as if he was ready to punch him. Tommy bounced over and gave me a big hug, "how you doing shorty?", "I'm good", I replied. "So I guess that's what we are going to call you from now on", Vince said as he hug me. They all seem like good guys so I don't think I'll mind hanging out with them.

After hanging out and drinking me and Nikki decided to head back to my apartment. Me and Nikki go into my room as I start to undress so does Nikki, I went to grab some night clothes when Nikki grabs me and put me down on the bed. " I like you naked shorty", he says with a smirk on his face. We started making out, i felt him biting on my neck, and then I felt him inside me. Then he grabbed the headboard and thrust harder. As we laid there after trying to catch our breathe, I laid my head on his chest listening to his heartbeat I felt my self slowly falling a sleep.

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