Chapter 5: Bloody Noses and Bruised Knuckles

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Hermione's POV

"Draco, Ella, Scorp! Come on, we need to leave!" I yelled from the foyer.

"Coming, mum!" I heard Ella's little voice shout. I heard feet pattering, and I saw her and Scorpius come running to me.

"Where is your father?" I asked them impatiently.

"I dunno," they answered at the same time.

I ran into our room to see what he was doing, and I found him still sound asleep.

"DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY!!" I yelled in his ear.

"AAAHHHH" He screamed. I tried to keep in a laugh, but it came out sounding like a distressed donkey.

"Draco, you need to get up!" I said, once I was done making strange, inhumane noises, and he was done freaking out.

"You owe me for that one, Malfoy," he muttered, as he started to put his clothes on.

"Mhm, I love you too honey," I said, as I messed his hair up.

"Hey, Draco, me and the kids are gonna head down to breakfast!" I shouted as I grabbed my bag and we headed out the door.

"Mummy, why was daddy screaming?" Scorpius asked, looking up at me.

"Oh, he was just being silly," I said, picking him up.

We finally made our way to the dining room for breakfast, and about half of my family was already there.

"Hello, darling," my mum said, as the kids ran up to give her and dad a hug.

We all sat down, as more of the family started to file in. Eventually, the whole Granger family was there, except for Draco. Man, it takes that guy a long time to get ready.

My thoughts were interrupted by a tall, blond, handsome man with stormy grey eyes coming to sit next to me.

"Ah, glad you were finally able to join us, Draco," my grandma said when he sat down. He looked sheepishly at the ground not saying anything.

"Draco, why are you late?" I whisper-yelled at him.

"A wizard is never late, not is he early, a wizard arrives precisely when he means to," he said, just loud enough for me to hear. I rolled my eyes, regretting showing him that movie, and we started eating.

-time skip to later that day-

"Kids, come on! We are going to the beach!" I shouted at my kids (and Draco).

Ella, Scorp, and Draco all walked in with their swimsuits on, and I apparated us to the beach.

Once I was done smothering them in sunscreen, I let them roam free into the water. I saw strange, but cool things happening to the water, and I could only assume that Annabeth's husband, Percy was up to his tricks again, as he was the son of Poseidon.

"Hey Mione!" I heard a voice from behind me yell. I turned around and saw Jason, Annabeth, Percy, and Matt.

"Hey guys!" I said, as I gave each one of them a hug.

We all talked, and talked, until Scorpius came up to me and snuggled into my chest soon falling asleep. I kept talking with my cousins, and I heard screaming and yelling coming from a little ways off in the distance. I left Scorpius, and grabbed Ella to go see what all the ruckus was about.

When I got closer, I saw my cousins clutching their stomachs, with bloody noses, a terrified looking Draco, and Pansy Zabini and Ginny Potter with bruised knuckles.

"What in the name of Merlin's bloody pants happened here??" I asked, although it came out as more of a demand.

"Those two dimwits were kissing and hanging all over your husband," Pansy started. "Yeah, so we took it into our own hands!" Ginny finished.

"More like took their noses into your own hands!" I turned to look at my cousins once more, but they had already left.

"We're sorry, Mione we were just trying to help," Pansy said.

"I forgive you, but only because I know you were only trying to help," I said, giving them a hug and a smile.

At that moment, Blaise and Harry apparated, with their kids hanging off of their arms. Harry and Ginny have 3 kids, James who is 5, Albus, who is 4, and Lily who is 2. Blaise and Pansy have a 5 year old daughter named Everleigh, and a 1 year old son named Elphias. I let Ella, and Scorpius (who had woken up by now) go play with them, along with Annabeth and Percy's kids.

I introduced my friends to my cousins, and we all chatted the day away. Eventually, it turned dark, and we all said our goodbyes and headed back.

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