27) "I'll come back to you"

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It was couple days later and I was in my office. Amara wasn't here these past few days. We haven't talk since that fight

I couldn't sleep, eat, or focus on anything. I just want Amara.

The knock and I opened it. My eyes widened and I saw Amara standing there.

"Come in" I said and she came inside my office. She turned around to look at me and gave me this envelope. "Here" she whispered "what's this?" I said

"My resignation letter. I'm going to leave" she said "No, I won't take it!" I said "You can't move on when I'm in here" she said

"You were right, Zack needs you more than I do. Suicide is never the answer. He needs you" She said then placed the letter on my desk and stood in front of me

"I don't need to get anything here since it's mostly yours" she said and I nodded

"Bye" she whispered and I saw a tear running down her cheek.

She walked passed me, but I grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug

She tried to let go, but I hugged her tighter

She was crying now and so was I

"Please forgive me" I whispered

"Gal" she sniff and I let go of her and she looks down to her hand

She took out my promise ring off and I panicked

"No, don't take it off. You promise me that you'll never take it off" I said freaking out

"I don't think there's anymore promises when I'm not with you. Here, just don't loose it" she gave me the ring

I cried harder and she took a step forward to me. She put her hands on my face and looked to my eyes

"Stop crying. I don't like seeing you cry" she whispered and wiped my tears

"Gal" she whispered

"I never thought I would find love. I don't regret you. I don't regret my first time and my first kiss with you." She said and I hold her hand on one of my cheek

"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I cried

"I love you, I love you, I love you and you only. I love you always, my cookie" I whispered

"I love you too, my muffin" she said

"I don't think, I cannot love anyone else the way I love you. It's impossible" I whispered

"Thank you, for coming into my life" she whispered and I pulled her to a hug

We pulled away and we look at each other.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. I saw her eyes with sadness.

I kissed her lips and she immediately kissed back.

It was slow and passionate

We pulled away and she looked at me

"I'll find you okay, so don't worry. I'll come back to you. I promise" I smiled softly

God I'm going to miss her

"I hate everyone in this world except you" I whispered and she smiled

"Bye Gal" she whispered

"Where are you going?" I said "Somewhere, I don't know" She laughed and I hold her hand "I'm going to miss you. I love you" I said and she kissed me again "I love you too" she said

She turned around and left

I stood there in my office

I can't do this

I love her too much to let her go

I can't let her go

I immediately ran out of my office and went to the elevator

"COME ON OPEN!" I banged on the elevator door and it opened

I clicked the first button and the door closed

"Hurry up!" I screamed

The elevator door opened and I ran around the lobby to find her, but I didn't. I ran outside and ran around the streets until I saw her walking down the street.

It was a quiet street, there was no one here.

She was walking down and I ran over to her until I heard a motorcycle.

The motorcycle drove passed me and stopped at Amara. I stood in the street looking at them

The person took off their helmet off and it was Selena.

"You look like you need to get out of the city" Selena said and gave Amara an extra helmet

"I think I can set your mind free" Selena said and Amara sigh and took the helmet. She sat behind Selena and wrapped her arms around Selena and they took off

I stood there breathlessly and cried

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