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Liam: Do you like Zayn or something??

Niall: No.. why?

Niall: Ew, Li.

Liam: Are you sure? You were flirting with him!! 🤬

Niall: Why do you care? But no, I don't like him.

Liam: Do you really wanna know why I care?

Niall: Yeah, because even if I did like him, it wouldn't be a big deal..

Liam: Fine.. I like you Niall. I know you don't like me back, but I like you..

Niall: Wait, what? Is this some kind of joke? It isn't funny!

Liam: No, I'm serious.

Niall: Prove it..

Liam: And how do I do that?

Niall: idk, but your not even gay!

Liam: I'm bi

Niall: mhm, sure. This isn't funny Liam. What did Zayn tell you?

Liam: Zayn told me nothing.. why?

Niall: Because I like you, and I know this is you playing a prank on me..

Niall: Why did I tell you that?!

Liam: Wait, seriously?

Niall: Yes, now stop playing this little joke on me.

Liam: I'm not playing a joke on you. I legit like you.

Liam: Why can't you believe that?

Liam: Niall, you there?

Niall: Sorry, I got hungry..

Niall: So you aren't playing a prank on me?

Liam: Nope

Niall: You still need to prove it..

Liam: I'm coming over..

Niall: What? No!

Liam: To bad, I'm already in the car 😁

Niall: Ugh.. fine.


What do you think Liam is going to do?

I'm currently riding in the car.. long drive so there might be a few more chapters..


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