Part 26

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BELINDA and CONNER sit outside of the steps of the closed shop. Conner is feverishly drawing on the map while stuffing his mouth with bread his other hand. Belinda watches him in disgust.

BELINDA CONT'D: That's disgusting.

CONNER: I'm drawing up the new locations. Plus you dragged me out into the cold just to see if quiet mystic, or Lillith, or whatever her name is, would come again.

BELINDA (irritated): I wanted to find the buildings first.

CONNER: You can still explore the buildings.

BELINDA: Humph, it's not the same.

CONNER: We can go visit the buildings another day. We're not even supposed to be here too.

BELINDA: I don't care. Mysteries don't sleep and I don't need to either.

CONNER: Mysteries don't need to eat cream puffs either. Would you stop eating those if I told you mysteries don't eat them?

BELINDA: No, don't be ridiculous!

CONNER: You should sleep more. You're not finding anything so you might as well sleep.

BELINDA: Sleep is for the weak.

CONNER: And you are weak. You haven't even hit puberty yet.

BELINDA (rolls eyes): Oh shut up.You're just trying to scare me.

CONNER: I'm just looking out for you, just like Lucy.

BELINDA: Lucy doesn't even know about this.

CONNER: She already knows you haven't been sleeping lately and she's worried out of her mind.

BELINDA: I bet she's fine and she's at home cleaning her room or some other boring chore.



LUCY stands at the front door and MR. COOPER stands behind her. ERLE is standing at the entrance with a cake box in his hands. Mr. Cooper is shocked to see the boy standing at his doorstep.

LUCY (angry): Why are you here?

ERLE: I wanted to see if you're alright.

MR. COOPER: Welcome. Please, come in.

LUCY: I don't think-

MR. COOPER: Lucy, dear. I didn't know you were friends with Rosenburg's son.

LUCY (bitter): He's what? Ah, yeah. W-we talk at the bakery sometimes.

Mr. Cooper motions for Erle to enter and he follows. They walk towards the dining area. There is an awkward silence as tension between Lucy and Erle rises by the second.

ERLE CONT'D: You have a lovely home, sir.

MR. COOPER: Why thank you. My husband is planning to redecorate the place soon but he's been so busy with his job lately that we haven't been able to start.

ERLE: Ah, I see.

There is a pause as they enter the dining area.

MR. COOPER CONT'D (to Erle): How are you faring with the elections? I heard your father was having a difficult time regaining voter's trust.

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