Forty Eight

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Skylar's POV

It felt like I was frozen in a trance as I kept looking at my laptop screen.

"The last metal discoid--" This must've been the hundredth time he looked over at his right. "--you'll find it there."

I blinked twice before hitting pause. He had earlier mentioned a specific place which I hadn't paid much attention to. But now that he was talking about it--the metal discoid--I felt the need to play that part all over again.

"The State Museum in Harrisburg. The big statue of William Penn." I had no idea who that guy was, but I still kept on listening. "The last metal discoid. You'll find it there."

"Get access to the metal bar behind it. Type the code 5732. And you'll find the disc underneath it."

He was about to say something else, something that must've been another warning, when the camera imbalanced itself. I heard a loud crash from the video and it ended almost immediately. It took me a few seconds to finally look away from my screen and lean back against the headboard.

Who was that man?

At least I think I knew what object he was talking about. As far as I knew, discoid meant a disc-like structure.

I'd seen them in Alex's drawer.

Dread filled me out of nowhere. This video was what Blake wanted. This object, whatever it was, Blake's gang wanted that. They wanted that disc. But why? What was so important about that specific disc?

Why did I always end up with hundreds of more questions?

I looked back at my laptop screen; at the paused video. I didn't realize what I was doing until I copied the video into the laptop's storage, took out the USB drive from my laptop, and dashed out of my bedroom, going downstairs. Thankfully, there was no one downstairs to watch me rushing inside the kitchen and stuffing the USB drive inside the blender, switching it on just as quick.

It was probably the crackling noises from the blender which made Dad come out from his room. He eyed me warily before speaking out the obvious, "What are you doing?"

Perhaps I had gone a little mental. But could anyone blame me? Paranoia makes you do shit.

I leaned back against the kitchen counter, my heart racing in my chest. I glanced over at the blender and switched it off. All there was left inside were small black pieces of the USB drive.

Did I really just do that?

Even if I had now destroyed that drive, I was aware Blake would still be after me. Blake and...whoever Kevin was. The video clearly stated where that metal disc was. And I still had that video on my laptop.

If only I knew why they all were after a small metal disc.


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