{chapter 16}

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"Kaine~ it's only natural that we form a party after all its not like with our relationship we would let you party up with other men or even women."
Aidan said with a pout as he tugged very gently on Kaine's arm before dragging him into the line for the dungeon as his party,the other two followed behind.

The four reached the end of the line and shortly entered the strange and unpredictable dungeon.Kaine entered with a slight shiver holding on tightly to Aidans hand whilst the two most dominate males followed from behind.

"You scared love?~" Lucius noticed his shivering form and walked forward before bringing Kaine close to his side.

"N-no" Kaine stubbornly refused to admit it in front of the males which left them thoroughly amused.

They continued onwards passing through traps and the likes before reaching a small enclosed hallway.

Whilst the others were occupied with dealing with monsters and showing off to one another Kaine had spotted a strange staircase seeming to lead to absolutely no where.

"Great.This staircase is just like my old life" he tutted before he accidentally slipped straight into a portal with it closing behind him,the last thing he heard was "Kaine!" Lucius yelled,worried.

Hours seemed to have passed in the small space he arrived in, he observed the area and found yet another door.

The door was pushed open revealing a wounded tall, pale-white,handsome man chained against a pillar of crystals,his wings drooped and torn.

The angel raised his head slowly and looked at Kaine with cold misty eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt you...actually I don't know why I'm here but it's not that" Kaine struggled to make an excuse as he slowly took small steps towards the fallen angel.

"I'm Kaine." He spoke with a gentle and soothing voice luring the Male in much like a siren.

"Cosmos." He spoke very little words but allowed him to get close enough to heal his wounds.

Kaine quickly broke the sealing chains and began to heal the males wounds to the best of his ability.

"Why was you chained up here?"

"Fallen angel. A traitor to the angels" he spoke with subtle words.
Finally updated!
How yall been?!!


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