Chapter 6-walk away

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Aurora's POV
I waved goodbye at Nate and Josephine once again and got into the car.I had this feeling in my stomach.I don't know what it was.Was is it jealousy?No it can't be.Nate is my bestfriend and he can be with whoever he wants.
"But it kills you to see  him with another girl"
."A voice in my head said.I do love him because he always understands me and he's always there for me .I love how he cares about me.I love all of him.Oh my god!
"I'm falling for my bestfriend".I said under my breath
Well this is messed up.
Nate's POV
I've been hanging out with Josephine a lot lately in order to get Aurora out of mind.I've been avoiding her since she came back from Italy.
I shut my eyes closed and took a long breath.I snapped them open when i felt someone tapping my shoulder.
"Nate,are you alright"?Josephine asked
"Yeah i'm fine."I replied
"Do you want something to eat or drink?"She asked
"Ah.Yeah i want a chocolate milkshake."I said and stood up to go order my milkshake
"I'd like a chocolate milkshake please."I said
"Coming."The woman said
"Here you go.This will be 5 dollars"She said
I paid and went back to the table with josephine.
Two minutes later her phone rang and she answered it.
"Hey mum.Yeah why?Oh okay.I'll be there in ten minutes.Bye."She said and hung up
"I've gotta go."She said and kissed my cheek
"Okay.We'll talk later.Bye"I replied
I finished my milkshake and stood up.As i was walking i heard a familiar voice.
"Why are you avoiding me?"I knew exactly who it was without even turning around.
"Aurora!Hey!"I said awkardly when i turned to face her
Seriously this all you've gotta say after avoiding her so much.You idiot.I thought i tried not to face palm my face
"Don't hey me Nate!Why are you avoiding
me?"She raised her a voice
Walk away now!Just do it.I thought
"I'm not avoiding you."I said though i couldn't meet her eyes
"I'm not buying that.I know you too well.You can't lie to me Nate."She said taking a step towards me.
"I-I...i can't do this right now Aurora.I'm sorry."I whispered and ran for my dear life.
"Nate wait!"I heard her screaming my name but i didn't look back i just kept running.
Maybe i got away with this but i have to figure things out and FAST.
Whoah!Two updates in one day?🤔Ha i'm surprised🤪.Here you go my readers!Enjoy chapter 6.Vote please🖤

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