Growing pains

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Do most children with healthy parents end up damaged too? Do they create locks for their thoughts because they are too dark to even whisper to themselves?

If you come from a broken home you know what shards of glass on the floor sound like under bare feet

and you know the way your mother cries as she asks if she ruined you and you want to tell her yes 



but she is your mother
and she is crying
so you say no and throw yourself away

you imagine jumping out of the car so the feelings will ooze out of you in a pool of blood and stick your hair together instead of building up in your throat until you can find a bottle to drown with

If you come from a broken home you can remember all the times you cried, all the times you wanted to die even though there were so many because those were more memorable than the times you were happy or safe because you were never safe

Does your father wake up with blood on his hands, too?
What is a father if not someone who ruins your mother's life?
And what is a mother if not someone who lets it all happen?

Is that why you're so passive? Is that why you let danger graze your temple like a bullet in slow motion but over and over again

And you call it growth

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