Are you in love with her?

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Great, I thought to myself. I can't believe I'm stuck in a building surrounded by ghoulies with my bestfriends ,Toni and Fangs, and my ex Sweetpea. No way my life could get worse. Or so I thought.

While I'm tied to a chair looking at my friends, and them doing the same, I start to notice all the ghoulies are leaving. I'm kinda suspicious at first but then I see him. Malachai. I groan knowing whatever he is going to say it is probrably stupid. See I probably wouldn't hate him so much if he wasnt also an ex of mine. Damn I need better choices with boys. "Well I see y/n is in a good mood." I just roll my eyes. "Why are you in a bad mood? You have everything you need in this room. Me of course, 2 of your bestfriends, and the love of your life." Toni and Fangs went to an awkward state while sweetpea looked confused, he never thought he was the love of your life but I couldn't help but think back to the time of our breakup. It was raining and we were yelling at each other because he was getting all touchy with another girl. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Malachai said "I'm missing something. What is it?" Nobody answered until Fangs said "They broke up okay?" "Broke up?" Malachai said in disbelieve. " Y/n I thought Sweetpea was the love of your life, your epic love, your future." I could do was look down. "what happened." Nobody answered. " Y/n answer now!" " He got all touchy with another girl." Sweetpea looked down avoiding everyone's eye contact. "Wow, Sweetpea being the player he always is." It was quiet a few moments before Malachai spoke up again " Well I'm going to leave for a bit so the tension can sink in a bit more" he laughs before leaving.

After what feels like forever he finally decides to come back. "I see the tension is still bigger than ever." "No wonder" I say rolling my eyes. "Let's make a deal" "What is it" Toni asks. "I'm going to ask these two love birds here a few questions and if they answers honestly then I will let you guys go. Lie and I will kill all of you. Deal?" We all shake our head and he begins to ask questions. "So lets start with Y/n. So Y/n you're single right?" "yes." "Aw, so sad. So when you found out he was cheating how did you feel?" I was nervous to answer because I told everyone I was okay with it and now I'm going to have to tell them the truth. "Sad." "Sad? Losing a toy is sad y/n. Dig a little deeper." "When I found out, I was heartbroken. It was as if I couldn't breathe. It was like 2 years just went down the drain. All the nights we spent together, all the movie marathons, the date nights, the late night walks and talks for nothing." After I said that I felt everyone's eyes on me. Toni and Fangs looked at me with shock but also with sadness. Shock because I never told them about it and sadness because they realized how hurt I am. Sweetpea looked sad. I don't know why though. He shouldn't be sad. He's the one that hurt me. "So Sweetpea. Your turn. I would ask why you hurt her but to be honest I don't care. What I do want to know is if you still love her or not. So do you love her?" "Yes." When he said that I looked up from the floor and into his eyes. "Are you still in love with her?" "No." The second he said that my heart broke. I wanted to run out of there and cry. "Y/n, did that hurt?" "Go to hell" "Did. That. Hurt." I waited a moment before answering so I could calm down so I didn't start crying at the thought of Sweetpea not liking me anymore. "yes." "welcome to the past 2 years of my life." I just stared at the ground for a moment before Malachai starts speaking. " you guys can go. You answered truthfully and now you guys can leave." Some ghoulies come in and untie us. Before anyone can say anything I run out the building as fast as I can. I get on my bike and leave as fast as I can. Not looking back.

After that happened became more heartless then I thought I could. Even more heartless then Sweetpea. I would go though out my day with a stone cold face not caring about anyone or anything the only thing that nobody knew was when the moon was out and everyone was asleep I would be awake thinking about that night over and over again trying to figure out what I did wrong, why didn't he like me anymore and the only person that knew about my 3 A.M cries was the moon and myself.

A/N hey my lovelies how are you guys? sorry for this super sad and long story. tell me if you like it or not :)

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