Chapter 19

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She refused to forgive Lauzun, that traitorous, manipulative bastard. Not even when he visited Amsterdam and sent her paintings as a gift. Every smile he gave her was the smile of a serpent. He succeeded in flinging Louise back into the king's favor, but she held no more power than before. Nor did she sweep Athénaïs's position out from under her. If only she could yank Lauzun down from his position of favor and ruin them both.

As often as she could she avoided him, not trusting the way his gaze lingered on her and he always seemed to appear in quiet hallways or behind the bushes in the gardens as though he wanted to get her alone. She had more than one glass of champagne and wine tossed out because she feared poison from Louise or Lauzun. Gabrielle called her paranoid, but she didn't want to take any chances when she couldn't forget Henrietta's death. The doctor's ruled there was no poison, only sickness, but the fear lingered.

Several months after Louise's return to favor, Athénaïs's luck ran out during a walk in the gardens. With Gabrielle at her side, she didn't shrink back from Lauzun when he appeared around a corner in the middle of the path without warning.

"Good afternoon, ladies." He bowed to them, but neither returned the courtesy.

"Out for a walk?" Athénaïs asked as her sister stepped closer to her.

"It was a beautiful day so I thought I'd take in some fresh air. The gardens are always so beautiful. I thought it would be a shame to resist."

"I hope you enjoy yourself. We came for the same reason," Gabrielle said. Both she and her sister watched him with suspicion. Neither offered up any other small talk.

Lauzun took a step closer. "I'll make this quick since I can see you aren't eager to talk. I thought we could be friends again, Athénaïs."

She snorted. "Now that you're plot to replace me with Louise has failed you want to be friends again? You're ridiculous."

His mouth twitched in displeasure. "Gramont is resigning from his post as marshal and I want it."

"Still climbing the ladder of court?"

His gaze darkened. "If you are as intelligent as I think you are, you will make the right choice and recommend me to the king. Remember, I know a few secrets about you."

"Resorting to blackmail is dishonorable." She turned her head away.

"Pity it's taking so long for your separation to be passed. I'd hate to see your husband attempt to return to court."

"Enough," Gabrielle snapped and pulled Athénaïs away. "You are out of line, Monsieur Lauzun."

"You will recommend me, won't you?" He called to their retreating backs.

"Yes, but don't ask again." Athénaïs yelled in frustration. "He never stops plotting, does he?"

"What do you expect with Louise's favor beginning to wane already. She can't keep the king happy and she isn't savvy at navigating court politics. She has few friends, and none who carry any weight. Be careful around Lauzun. He's never happy with what he has. His plotting with Louise has proven we can't rely on him."

"I think he is still bitter over his failed marriage. He received more than the king needed to give him as a consolation, but he wanted the power the marriage would give him. Governorships mean nothing compared to becoming first cousin to the king and having a wealthy wife. I've been afraid of him telling the court about my son, but the king has agreed to let my hire a governess of my choosing. The children will be moved soon and if Lauzun managed to find out where my son was sent, he won't know the new location." They turned a corner and headed for the palace door.

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