~ch.1 pg.11~

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~Karma's point of view~~~

I groaned as I woke up to Irina opening my curtains for the sun to hit my eyes as she spoke.

"Morning your highness! Today Koro-senses wants you to continue on your combat training today and ..." Before she could continue I let out a big groan and covered myself with my blanket.

"I don't want to! I just want to go to sleep. Now leave. Let me stay in my room like a dead man in his corpse," I said as I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. I then felt my blacker being yanked away from me, making me feel the cold breeze. I shivered and sat up on my bed with a angry face.

"What's with that expression, your highness? Today, your father and mother said that if you go to your training for today and do well and still have time. You're able to go to the village today," She informed me, making me jump out of my bed and rushed into my closet.

"Tell the old man, imma be there in 18 minutes or less," I said running into the bathroom with my clothes.

I quickly washed up, changed my clothes and brushed my teeth. I then dashed out my room and down the steps, and outside to the training area.

The training area is a big field surrounded by trees, bushes and flowers.

I then saw, Koro-sensei, Irina and Karusuma waiting.

"Ok! I'm here!" I said panting a bit as my hair was dripping wet.

"Huh, 16 minutes. Not bad, " Karusuma said as he scoffed a bit as he looked at his pocket watch.

I thought happily in my mind.

"Well hello, Karma my boy. Today we're gonna work on hand on hand combat, and your aim, and some more other stuff, " Koro-sensei said as he put his tentacle on me.

Koro-sensei said he used to be a human but someone put a potion or a poison in his drink to turn him into a yellow octopus.

After Karusuma and Irina demonstrates what I was gonna be doing I started my training.

~(Nagisa's point of view)~~~~

I was at the garden watering the flowers and feeding the animals.

Kayano came over and grabbed a bucket of cow food and started to feed the cows.

"Thanks Kayano," I said turning to her and giving her a smile. She nodded her head and smiled.

"Anytime, Nagisa... Ummm... Today, I was wondering if I could hangout with you today? Okuda and her friends went to go shopping and left me out so..." Kayano said as she frowned, I just continued to smile and agreed.

I mean it's better than being alone.

"Sure, Me and my friends was gonna go help out at the bakery today," I said, as she smiled and nodded again.


After we we're done cleaning up around the house, we went to the bakery. Ofcourse I wore my hood and my mask before I left the house.

On our way there, a little kid tugged on my shirt.

"E-excuse m-me... I-I need help," The little kid said in a stutter. I bent down and spoke.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked as he still hold onto my shirt.

"I-I'm lost and I cant find my b-brother," He said with tears forming in his eyes. I picked him up and hugged him.

"Hey, no need to cry. I'm here so is Kayano and sure we'll help you find your brother.


After looking around, and talking to the little kid, his name was Jelu and his brother was named Ren.

(Ren is an actual character from Assassination Classroom, if some of you don't know)

The name Ren sounded familiar but I just shrugged it off and continued to look for his brother.

We then found a boy with a Mohawk calling out Jelu's name. Jelu then wiggles out of my arms and landed on the ground on his feet and ran towards the boy.

"R-REN!" Jelu cries out as he hugged his brother. Ren then picked up Jelu and hugged him.

After they let go of the hug they started to chat and came towards me and Kayano.

"Thank you, for finding my little brother ladies," He said with a smile, Kayano turned red but I just smiled and not gonna lie kinda blush. BUT ONLY A LITTLE!
Because I LIKE KARMA! I was only blushing because he assumed my gender... So yeah... I only like Karma.

"Sorry, but I'm a male," I said correcting him, he just awkwardly chuckled and scratched his head.

I just smiled and nodded my head.

"Wait, you look familiar. Don't you help at the bakery nearby?" He said.

Now it hit me, he was the one who helped out at the bakery one time and left.

"Umm Yeah..." Before I could continue, a Carriage came and past us almost hitting us.

"HEY WATCH IT!" Ren yelled out holding Jelu tightly.

Then the carriage stopped and the man who was driving the carriage oppened something and talked, but we couldn't hear it. Then he turned towards us and scoffed as rolled his eyes.

"The young highness, said "he was sorry, and we will watch out next time. And he hopes nobody got hurt" The man said then continued to drive.

Ren just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"He better be. I don't care if they are loyalty or not, nobody should be treated badly," Ren said angrily and stomped away. He did wave goodbye but then got angry again.

As me and Kayano went to the bakery, I couldn't help but strongly agree with Ren and his statement.

Nobody should be treated badly, nobody.

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