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"Statement on me , she ain't type that"

( 13 years ago)

"But mama I don't want to sit on the ground" Autumn pouted looking at her mother as she sat down on the chair outside putting a pillow on the ground for her

"Mommy's going to make you beautiful , don't you want to be beautiful for your first day of second grade" she said smiling at Autumn

"Mommy's going to make you beautiful , don't you want to be beautiful for your first day of second grade" she said smiling at Autumn

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"Yeah I wanna be as beauti-full as you when I grow up" Autumn smiled showing her missing tooth and flopped down on the pillow"

She started to comb out autumn's hair hard , autumn grabbed the bottom of where she was combing so it wouldn't pull

"Oww" autumn whined as her mom popped her hand with the comb

"Girl I didn't even pop you that hard don't try it" she pulled autumn back

She combed threw it and start applying grease to her scalp

She parted one section and started gripping autumn's head as she started braiding

Autumn mugged straight as her mom kept moving her head every which way

"Stop moving your head before you mess up this braid and ima have to start over" aleshia grabbed autumn's head and tilted it placing it on her thigh

Autumn started crying and aleshia popped her shoulder with the comb

"What chu crying for I ain't even hit chu yet" aleshia mugged the back of autumn's head

"See this why I hire people to do yo hair cause you be acting tender head and act like you can't be still wimme" aleshia said shaking her head while taking out the braid that she didn't finish

"I'm sorry mama it really hurts when you pulling my head like that" autumn sniffed as she scratched her scalp

"And stop all that scratching it shouldn't be itching I already put the grease on there"

Autumn head fought her mothers hand for the 3 hours while they were sitting outside but aleshia got the job done she wasn't a quitter

They walked back in the house and autumn went upstairs as aleshia put everything away

"Autumn come back down here and take this picture" aleshia yelled

Autumn came downstairs slowly mugging aleshia

"Just like yo daddy" aleshia mumbled wiping the snot off autumn's nose and grabbing her phone

"Come in the light right here" aleshia said walking in the kitchen

Autumn walked in the kitchen with her head down and her fist tightened

"You Betta fix ya face before I fix it for you , Ion know why yo daddy keep teaching you that shit" aleshia said mugging her

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