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October 18th, 1976

Remus, Marlene is making me write down my emotions and crap, so here we go. I'll write one thing I like about you a day. Day One.

So first, you're gorgeous. When you walk into a room, it lights up. Your smile alone can create a domino effect and make everyone around you smile. You're really the most beautiful person on this earth. Your curly hair that doesn't really like staying in place. Your brown eyes that create sunsets at any point in the day. Even your scars. Yes your scars. The one on your pinky from when you spilled your potion on it. The one on your knee from when you fell of your broom in second year. The ones on your arm from the creatures we meet at 2am. And even your werewolf scars. Yeah, those. Those are beautiful too. All your scars have proved what you went through and not all of them are from your transformations. Merlin Remus, you're breathtaking

Your best friend, Sirius

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