Chapter 2

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Shu's POV
Okay. So I'm thinking that I'm gonna tell them (the beyclub) AFTER I get new clothes. I went to the closet and change into a red oversized hoodie and below is a white t-shirt and somehow I found black jeans that are my current size and and black sneakers. With that, I leave my apartment and went to the mall. There were lots of clothes here so I couldn't choose. At long last I was finally able to choose. I went to the cashier and paid for the clothes.

On the way back to the apartment, I heard someone called my name.


I turn around to see the owner of that annoying voice.



Just great.

Lie to him.

I follow my brain. "Excuse me?" I said. "I'm sorry. I thought you were someone else," he answered then turned and left. I just shrugged and continued to walk. But,

"I'll see you soon, gorgeous," I hear Lui say. I feel a chill down my spine. "By the way, what's your name?" he asked while putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, it's uhmm.." damn it!! Think of a name!! "It's Sheila" I say sweetly. He smirks and say: "I'll see you soon then, Sheila," he said. "I doubt it," I answer then walk away. Ugh. Who the hell does he think he is? Oh, right. He's Lui Shirosagi.

Whatever. I just go back to my apartment.

Hello!!! It's me again. It's my second update today. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this terrible chapter. Bye

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