17 ~ Red Lasagne

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~ 17 ~

~Little hint above of who's about to return this chapter

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Little hint above of who's about to return this chapter...
And can you see me crying over domestic Avengers in this chapter?


Tue, 15 May

Missed voice call at 9:30 AM

Missed voice call at 13:00 PM


Missed video call at 15:30 PM

Missed voice call at 17:00 PM


Missed voice call at 18:00 PM

Hi dad,
I called you like 6 times already. I know you're probably busy with work, but I really need to talk to you. Call me back?
Xx Lou

I locked my phone, dropping it down on my bed. It had been four months since I last spoke to him, six since I last saw him. He never liked video calling anyways, so it was rare for me to see his face. When I last forced him to do it, it was November; his birthday. The connection was terrible, he was grumpy and I had just been fired from my original job; but when I saw his blue eyes and newly formed grey hair, I couldn't be happier. Two days later I met Emily, and she recommended me at her company, landing me a new job.

And now, neither of them were even reading my texts, leave alone answering my calls.

A knock on my door sounded.
"It's Nat."

With a towel still wrapped around my wet hair, I opened the door to my room. I was only dressed in shorts and a clean bra, not having had time to fully change after the shower. Sticking my head out, a Natasha with raised eyebrows stared back. But when I opened the door completely, I noticed a chuckling Steve. Shit.

"Nat!" I called out accusingly, slamming the door shut to throw on a t-shirt. As soon as I did, the door opened again to reveal my friend with a smirk on her lips.

"Sorry, you were slow."
She laughed.

"We bought groceries for your lasagne."
Steve smiled, lifting the plastic bag in his hand and barely fazed by what happened. My dad's recipe had become a favourite in the tower.

But I frowned, folding my arms in front of me.
"I'm not cooking in my room, so why even bring it up here at all?"

"Natasha said-"
He started, but Natasha cut him off.

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