Chapter 3: "here I was locked in the hallway naked"

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Haleys POV***

I felt the sunshine coming in through the window kissing the freckles that covered my face. I slowly cracked one eye open and was immediately hit by a pulsating headache.

"Ugh" I moaned. Rubbing my face that I obviously didn't wash last night.

I sat up looking at my brothers room around me. What a pig. I thought as I saw his dirty clothes covering the floor and closet completely unorganized. I got up and went to try and find something to change into it- reaching for a pair of sweats that were inevitably too big and a t-shirt that hung almost to my knees. I was capable of throwing my hair into a knot with how tangled it was - knowing I would regret it later. Right now I only had one thing on my mind.... Water.

I slowly walked my way across the long hallway and down the stairs where I already heard commotion going on. I walked into a familiar scene- three boys all in the kitchen, but this time eating breakfast.

A slow clap began as Josh saw me walking in to the scene. "Well there she is my little hungover sister".

I didn't have the energy or the voice to fight him, all I could do was flip him the bird as I went in the fridge to grab the Brita. Pouring myself a tall glass of cold water and sitting there chugging it as if I hadn't seen water in a few days.

Peter looked up at me "So do you remember losing in Horse last night?"

I gave him some serious side eye "I didn't lose. We never finished the game".

Jake charmed in raising an eyebrow "Who's bright idea was it to play a drunken game of Horse??"

Peter looked over at me, as I rised my blue plastic water cup in acknowledgment of my brilliant idea.

Josh laughed, "Hey Peter, did she hit you with the granny shot?"

"Yes!" Peter shouted. "I told her it didn't count because that's not even a real shot!"

"No. Don't try and fight her on this. Halez has been a pro granny shooter since the age of ten." Josh replied trying to shake him off of the idea of him winning the argument.

The boys all sat there and laughed for a moment. Even reminiscing about stories of them scrimmaging against each other. I hadn't even realized that I zoned out until Josh waved his hand in my face.

"Earth to Halez!"

I shook my head back in confusion "What?"

"I asked you a question" Josh laughed "what are your plans for today?"

I shrugged. "I dunno. Nurse my hangover and finish setting up the dorm."

Josh shook his head no. "Wrong answer. You're going to come to our first scrimmage tonight."

Peter piped in "This is the big kick off of the season. Its a big game for us- we need all the support out there tonight."

I looked each boy in the eyes trying to figure out if they were serious. Oh shit they're serious.

"Alright I'll be there!" I exclaimed hoping to have them stop pestering me. "But seriously I need a shower and change before this."

Josh clapped his hands together "Well I am going out for some pregame rituals. Here are my car keys you can drive back to your dorm and do whatever as long as you promise to not hurt my baby."

I nodded my head clasping onto the car keys that Josh slid my way.

"By the way you can shower here" Josh added "The boys are leaving here shortly anyways. Please clean up after yourself and be careful that door can be tricky to."

I rolled my eyes "You guys live like frat stars and you are worried about me cleaning up after myself?" completely disregarding the part about the door.

Josh gave me his perfect dad look of "don't mess with me" and I immediately turned off the sass.

"Yup you got it" I quickly replied.

I headed back of stairs to find the bathroom- sober me absolutely doesnt remember where drunk me found it last night. I open the door and find a surprisingly nice rain shower and clean bathroom. Note to self- find out why Josh lives in this amazing house and I have communal living.

I don't know what kind of super powers that shower had- but it basically brought me back to life. I got out of the shower wrapping myself in a towel realizing that I had left my clothes in my brothers room. Stupid hangover brain. I figured the boys were all supposed to leave soon so walking out in a towel wouldn't be the worst idea.

I reached for my brothers door and locked. Well what now? I thought panicking. My phone, dorm key, and clothes were sitting on the other side of the locked door. Just breathe. You can change back into Josh's clothes and see if one of the boys could help you.

I let out a sigh. This wouldn't be too bad. All I had to do was open the door to the bathroom and-- locked.

"Shit!" I harshly whispered jiggling at the door. So this is what he meant about the door being tricky.

So here I was locked in the hallway naked. I continued to jiggle at the door for a moment when I heard a door open behind me. Maybe it was Josh?!?

I turned around and immediately my eyes fell to the floor. Peter stood in front of me in just a pair of sweatpants.

"Umm.. Are you okay out here?" Peter questioned trying to not give me the up and down look.

Trying to keep my eyes at the floor "Ahhh not really.... I accidentally locked myself out of the bathroom. But whats more important is that a bunch of my important stuff is locked inside of Joshs room and I really need it."

I let out a deep breath. Why was I rambling? Why was I so nervous? Haley pull yourself together.

Peter put his arm behind his head scratching his neck. All this did was show off his biceps and abs more than before.

"Yeah Haley that's a real problem. I believe I still have Josh's spare key in my room. Come in real quick while I grab it for you."

Peter motioned for me to follow him, which I did. I was already humiliate having Peter see me like this, but if Jake did too... I could probably never show my face again.

Peters room was not at all what I was expected. It was clean... I mean like actually clean. He had a large oak dresser sitting next to a well organized desk. And a queen sized bed nicely made up. He walked over to the dresser and started fidgeting with a drawer searching for the key to Josh's room.

I could hear him muttering something under his breathe so I took a step closer to be able to hear exactly what he was saying.

"What did you say?" I inquired moving closer to his desk one slow step at a time.

Peter turned around quickly now we were barely a foot away from one another. "I got it!" he exclaimed holding out his hand.

"YOU FOUND WHAT?" an unfamiliar female voice screeched behind me.

I whipped around so quickly and Peters face turned pale white.

"Babe what are you doing here?" Peter barely got out.

Babe?!? I looked back at this girl one more time than back at Peter searching for his face for answers.

The girl turned to me with a stone cold glare "And who the hell are you?"

"I'm Haley..." I softly said. "And you are??"

She scoffed "I'm Peters girlfriend."

Leaving off on a bit of a cliff hanger but I promise more to come shortly. Please let me know what you are thinking so far! I love the feedback xoxox

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